Jokes Pages
 Many school sites are a bit uninteresting so we decided to be a
bit different.We decided to add a bit of humour to our site, so we have added a
jokes page.
They mightnt be the best and funniest jokes ever but we hope you enjoy some of
them.The boys in fourth clascollected these jokes.This page was compiled by David
Go on have a laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Jason Dunphy
you see the tractor in the cinema?
I only saw the trailer!
Shane Hunt
What do you call a Kerryman
under a wheelbarrow?
A mechanic!
Richard Allinden.
What do you call a Kerryman
in a wheelbarrow?
A Formula 1 racing driver!
David O Driscoll
What do you call a Kerryman
pushing a wheelbarrow?
A thrill seeker!!
Martin Condrin
What do you call a Kerryman with his head under a
David Clarke
What is the Kerrymans latest
A glass hammer!
Ivan Heraughty
What happened to the Kerryman who closed the curtains?
He fell out the window!
Shane Hunt
Why did 5 eat 6?
Because 7,8,9.
Ciaran Gallagher
Did you hear about the row
down the chip shop?
The sausage got battered and the chips got assaulted!
David O Driscoll
Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
Because it was stuck to the chickens foot!
Ivan Heraughty
Did you hear about the sick
He wasnt peeling very well !!
Ciaran Gallagher
Doctor, doctor people keep
ignoring me!
Who said that ?
Jamie OBrien.
Did you hear about the man
who swallowed the spoon ?
He couldnt stir!
David Clarke.
A priest came into the
class one day and was talking to the children.
He asked them if anyone knew where the holy Family lived?
There was silence in the class for a moment.
Various answers were suggested but nobody had the right answer.
Suddenly Johnny puts up his hand .
"The Holy Family live in number 25, Main Street, Father."
The priest was puzzled by his answer so he asked Johnny how he knew this.
He said "Well, father when I am coming to school in the morning and everytime I pass
25, Main Street, I hear someone shouting, Jesus ,Mary and Joseph will ye get up "
Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
Because it was stuck to the chickens foot!
Ivan Heraughty
Where do you buy cats from?
A catalogue!
Niall Jackman
Mammy I hate my sisters guts.
Shut up and eat what youre given.
Ivan Heraughty
you hear about the three eggs?
Too bad.
Ciaran Gallagher.
How do you get a Kerryman
to climb up on to a pub roof?
Tell him the drinks are on the house.
Christopher Grace.
Why did the one handed
chicken cross the road?
To get to the second hand shop!
David Carroll.
How do you get forty
Kerryman into a mini?
Tell them its going to Dublin.
David Phelan.
Why did the cows huddle
together in the rain?
To keep each other dry.
Kevin Griffin
What do you get if you
cross a Brontosaurus with a cow?
A lot of milk.
Ciaran Long.
What did the priest say
when he saw insects on his roses?
Let us pray.
Ciaran Gallagher!
How does a monkey make
He puts it under the gorilla.
Daniel Flynn.
Doctor Doctor I feel like a
pair of curtains?
Sit over there and pull yourself together.
Mark Rellis.
What do cats read?
A catalogue!
Ciaran long.
Doctor doctor I feel like a
Please go over there and take a chair!
Thomas Flynn.
Doctor doctor I feel
like a bridge.
Whats come over you?
A car a truck and a lorry.
Nicholas Dunphy.
Did you hear about the
Kerryman who saw the notice reading: MAN WANTED FOR ROBBERY AND MURDER?
He went in and applied for the job!
Patrick Mc Auliffe.
What would you call a
laughing motorbike?
A yamaha
Ronan Crowley.

What are Kerrynurses famous for?
Waking up their patients for their sleeping pills.
Anthony Hayes.
How do you recognise a bride at a
Kerry wedding?
Shes the one wearing white
David ODriscoll.
What do you get if you
cross a kangaroo with a sheep?
A wollie jumper!
Patrick Mc Auliffe
did one eye say the other?
There's something between us that smells!
Roger Barron.
Teacher: Why werent you here at nine oclock?
Pupil: Why what happened?
David O'Driscoll
We hope by hope that you are falling around the place
laughing and that you enjoyed the jokes.
Keep Smilin' Keep Smilin' Keep Smilin' Keep
David O'Driscoll