The Fox
(Sionnach/ Madra Rua) --:
The fox is one of the most common mammals in Ireland.
The fox
is found in most types of
country, from farmland to woodland, from sand dunes and sea cliffs to
mountaintops. Foxes swim well and can climb trees. The fox is a meat
eater. Its main food is usually rabbits, young hares, rats and small
birds. It also eats mice, insects and fruit. The fox is a member of the
dog family, with a brownish red coat and a bushy tail tipped with white.
Did you know that the fox’s tail is called a brush? The male fox is
called a dog fox. A female is called a vixen and a baby is called a cub.
Cubs are born during late February to the end of March. A litter of four
or five is usual. The fox is one of the cleverest animals in the world.
Foxes are also found in city
suburbs, where it can be seen after dawn in early summer. The fox,
although mainly nocturnal (which means he hunts at night), may sometimes
be seen during the day.
The fox usually trots but it can
run for long distances when chased, with the tail straight out behind.
Foxes swim well and can climb trees. Fox cubs make different types of
screams but the older foxes are usually silent except in the breeding
season, when they let out a high pitched, sharp bark or scream.
The fox is a
mammal; most mammals live in the country. Some like foxes and hedgehogs
are often seen on the outskirts of towns. Foxes are shy and frightened of
people and that is why they are seen more at dawn and at dusk, when the
leave there homes in search of food. Farmers who have chickens hate them,
as they love to attack chicken pens. Roald Dahl wrote a lovely book about
this problem called “Mr. Fox”. The fox also caused a lot of damage to
game birds during the nesting season. Foxes are very difficult to watch,as
they often travel further and change their homes more often. The fox is a
beautiful animal and generally lives in wooded areas in the country.
In Ireland the
mating season is in January or February and the young are born in late
February or March. A litter of four or five is most common and is rarely
more than seven. The cubs differ from the adults in having chocolate brown
coats when born, and short muzzles. The young usually emerge into the open
after about four weeks. The home of a fox is called an earth. They
sometimes use the old home of a badger. They are very untidy animals, as
they scatter food and old bones all around the entrance to their home.
This mess as well as a very strong smell is a sure sign that foxes are
about. The best time to see foxes is in May and June when the cubs are
young and playful. The cubs are usually born in March or April. The cubs
come out from the earth, when they are a few weeks old to play and have a
run around. This happens usually in the evening time. If anyone or
if another animal goes near the home, the mother will move her cubs
somewhere else.
The mother fox is
called a vixen and she cares for her cubs without the help of the male or
dog fox. The male provides food for the mother fox and her cubs. Just
after the cubs are born is a very busy time for the male, as he has to go
off and get food for all his family. He sometimes might have to travel a
long distance before he gets anything. Food is often buried in the ground
to be collected at a later stage.A fox is not a fussy eater. He wil eat
anything he can get his hands on, sorry paws on.You willoften see him
upending dustbins in towns in search of food. In the countryside he
willeat young rabbits, rats, mice, and even young birds. Foxes are
widespread and found all over Ireland. The fox is said to be very clever.
If he is being chased by a pack of dogs he can often loose them by playing
all sorts of tricks on them, like doubling back on his trail or hiding in
strange places. Aesop wrote a very good story about the "fox
and the Crow", where the fox used his brain to get a piece of cheese
from a crow who was up in a tree. I like foxes.