"Information Age Project--:
On Monday, April 19th, 1999, group of six boys in Mr.
O'Neachtain's class were declared as runners-ups in the the "Information Age
Schools Project" which is being sponsored by Telecom Eireann.The results were
announced in Arthouse Temple Bar by the RTE personality Mr. Ray Darcy and prizes presented
by Mr. Cormac O'Sullivan, Manager of the Schools Information Project.You can read an
account of their day in Dublin by clicking here.The
theme of the project was the "Information Age and the Global Classroom". The
group had to explore the opportunities given to them using the latest information
technology. The students were invited to create a project based on building a partnership
with a school in another country. The class undertook the project with a group of pupils
from Raymond Marquith Elementary School in Galesburg Illinois, USA.
had to use the school's IT facilities of e-mail and the school web site to communicate
with each other. The work of this project had to be presented on CD -ROM and a web site.
So over the past number of weeks boys in the school have been busy researching their
project, placing their findings on computer, taking photographs and scanning them into the
computers and having done all that putting their findings together on the school web site.
The school presented their entry on CD-ROM, thanks to the help of Mr. Frank Battye, one of
the parents of the school. In the project the boys had to explore with their partner
school the following areas --:
- A profile of each pupil
- Compare a typical school day
- Compare their lives outside school
- How the "Information Age" will affect
school life in the future.
- Write a joint story across the Internet.
