Inspectors visit school --:On Wednesday,May
12th and May 13th, 1999 we had a visit from three inspectors to the school.
They called for a general inspection on the the school.We were very busy for the weeks
before they came.All our copies had to be checked as well as our books. We were putting up
things on the walls to show off our work. We put up our Information Age Project so they
could see it. They could also look at it on the laptop computer. sir got ait for a present
from Tesco supermarkets. We never get presents like that. It is cool. Our teacher usually
has a zip-drive hanging out of it . A zip -drive can hold loads more information than an
ordinary floppy disk. Our teacher was very busy checking things.
The first
inspector into our room was Mrs Liddy. She had to get up early as she lives in Limerick,
which is about a three hour drive from Tramore. We were all busy on computers when she
came in. Some of the boys were doing maths, some were doing e-mails and Richard was doing
editing on the tour photographs.She asked us questions on what we were doing. She was
talking to the teacher about us. I took a photograph of the inspector with the class. She
asked me to send the photograph to her at her home. She wrote her email address on a piece
of paper.We sent the e-mail later on in the afternoon. She sent us back a reply.The second inspector who called was Mrs Doherty. She is also from
Limerick and she was up early as well to get here. She travelled with the first inspector,
to save money. She asked us about what we liked and what we did'nt like about our work and
the class. She wanted to see our writing. I did not take part in the Information Age
Project because I was not here when they were doing it. Peadar did'nt bother to finish his
work.She does'nt have an email address so she asked us to sent the photo to the other
inspector. When she came in only Peadar and myself were in
the class as most of the boys were gone over to Mrs Hayes for help with their reading. She
asked Sir for a copy of some of our work to show to other schools. We put it together for
her in a special folder. Sir is fussy like that.He makes us do our work the same way.
The third inspector was a man. His name is Mr. Kirby. He
lives in Waterford but has a Cork accent. He asked us questions in Irish . We are not good
at Irish in this class. Sir makes us do it. When we went to take the photograph the
batteries were low and the flash would'nt work so I had to re-charge the batteries in the
wall. It usually takes a few hours to do this but we only recharged it for about twenty minutes. We were able to take a photograph all right but there was
not enough power from the flash to work. That is why his photograph is darker. We
tried to work on it in Paint Shop Pro but it is still a bit dark. He is coming back
to look at our copies. We will be working very hard to the end of June.
When Mr. Kirby left we downloaded the photographs from the
digital camera and made them smaller and emailed them to the inspectors.Richard was'nt
watching what he was doing when he was attaching the photographs and sent the wrong
ones.We had to send them again the following day.We had a half day on Friday because the
teachers had a meeting with the inspectors about us. We hope they give us a good report
because we want to go to secondary school next year.