scoops first place in Ireland

John Hynes,Chief Executive "An Post",Mrs Nuala McKenna,Tessie
Tree,me and George of the jungle at the G.P.O. in Dublin collecting my
name is Declan McKenna.This is me(holding the picture) getting my prize in
the G.P.O. in Dublin. I am in second class this year. I am in Mrs
Maloney’s class. I won first prize in Ireland for an art competition. At
last the day came. It was Thursday, October 14th,1999 and I was going to the
Head Office of “An Post” in the G.P.O. in Dublin. I won a prize in a
colouring competition and was going to the presentation.
Mammy woke me up
at 6.30 am and we went to Waterford to get on the Dublin train. We had no
school as this was a special day for us. My
did not come and he went off to school. We had our
breakfast on the train. We arrived in Dublin at 10.00 am.We took the No.
79 bus to O'Connell St. We went shopping and then headed for the G.P.O. It
was now 12 noon. We were met
by two clowns who made us laugh. One clown was dressed up as a tree because Coillte sponsored
the prizes, which is the organisation, which looks after all the forests
in Ireland. She was called Tessie Tree. There was also a man dressed up in
a funy costume , like you would see fellows in the jungle and
he was called "George of the Jungle". We had a choice of drinks and then
Mr. John Hynes, the head of "An Post"
presented all the winners with their prizes.
There were prizewinners there
from all over the counrty and in different age sections. I was delighted
to hear that I was the overall winner in the under 8 section and that I
was also the overall national winner of the whole competition. I won a
bicycle for myself, and a weekend away for my family in a forest park. I
also won a day out for my class in a wood. We have to decide where we want
to go. Our teacher says it is too cold at the moment to go on the trip. we
will have to wait until Springtime or Summer when the weather will be a
bit warmer.
All the prizewinners together
She will go away for a weekend somewhere in Ireland and stay
in a hotel. I also won a crystal trophy for the school and a holiday
voucher for my teacher. We had our lunch in the G.P.O. Then it was time to
go home. We took the bus back to the station. The train left at 6.25.pm.
We arrived back in Waterford at 9.00.pm. It was a brilliant day.
I was made feel special the next day as I went to all the classes to show
off the prizes.My
came first two years ago in hism age group, but I came first in Ireland
Written by --:
Declan McKenna