Hi there. Jacklyn Ramona Thompson
here again. My key pal in Ireland is Anthony Hayes. I would now like to tell you about my
life outside the classroom.You are probably wondering what I do after school or in my free
time. Here are the things that I do.I go to
caticisam on Wednesdays at 4:15pm.. Caticisam is where we go to learn about God. Then I do
gymnastics. In gymnastics I do backflips, front arabians, and back arabians. I also can do
front-overs,back kick over, and back walk overs.
I also do golf in the summer. It is fun. I played in the Junior All City this summer. In
one holer I got first. In the three holer I got firrst and in the five holer I got
third.Also on Wednesday I take jazz dance. Our second song that we dance to is from
"Grease". Our first song is called, "He rocks in the tree top". I also
do tap. On Saturday I go to gymnastics too. I play soccer too in the fall. I use to play
basketbball. Well this is all I do.
Jacklyn Ramona Thompson