Meet Jamie --: Name --: Jamie
Age --: 8
Hair --: Brown
Eyes --: Very brown
Class --: 3rd
My Favourite Food--: Oranges
My Favourite TV Show- Fox Kids
My Favourite Video --: Prancer
My Favourite Computer Program --: Oregon
My Favourite pop group --: I do not have a
favourite pop group, as I like Country & Western music.
Food I dislike most --: Spinach
Things which annoy me -- : My baby sister who cries at night.
Spare time at home -- :
I now take care of my new baby sister who was born on Christmas Eve. She takes a lot
of care.
Outdoor Activities --: I like to play
football. I joined the Math Club. I do not like going out in the wet.
Family --: I have a Dad, two brothers and a
sister. All of us are adopted.
Describe your house? --: Our house is
beige. It is a one story. I live at Columbia Heights subdivision. We have 3 bedrooms.
Describe your room? -- Our cat sleeps in my
room. There are lots of bears, dolls and barbies, and a table that I like to color at.
Describe your neighbourhood? --: It
is kind of in the country. We have to drive to get to a store. Mrs. Olson lives behind me.
She is our librarian. Ivy lives across the street.