My name is Jamie
I get up at 7:05 am each morning.
I come to school by bus. The journey takes about 15 minutes.The bus is very full and
noisy. We don't have far to come.
I am one of the last to be collected on the
bus route, on the way to school.There are 85 other students on the bus as well. We arrive
at school at 7.50 am. Class begins at 8.10.In Ireland they start one hour later which
means on a cold winter's morning they have an extra hour tucked up in bed.
We usually do spelling for the first period, after that we do oral language or oral
geography.We also cover such things as --:
- This day in history
- Announcements
- The Pledge
- The Calendar
We get a break on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 10.00
10.15. During break I like to play on the round jungle gym.I dont bring
snacks to school. On a wet day we dont go out, we play board games or draw. For the
second period we have reading.I like to read a good book.I have lots of books at home.
We take our lunch break at 11.05. It lasts for 55 minutes. I have a hot lunch.When we
go on a field trip I bring lunch to school.We are not allowed go home for lunch.After
lunch we have Math, English Social Studies and Science.I like to read, sometimes we get
homework. It takes me 15 minutes to do it.
School is finished at 3.15 p.m. We spend 7 hours in school each day.The thing
that really annoys me are people talking when I am trying to do my work or somebody trying
to get my attention when I am working.I like learning times. We have individual
chalkboards that we do Math on. I like the study of Sweden. Mrs. Green comes each month
and teaches us Swedish. I like that day. We went to a one-room school for the day and
learned how school was long ago.I liked playing the games Lemonade and Last Couple out. We
went in antique cars.
My teacher is really nice. She makes us behave. She takes us on fun field trips like
the Planetarium, she likes us to be quite and listen.
Jamie Aeschilman.