name is Miley Flynn. I gets up at eight o clock every morning.My Mammy calls me. If I
dont get up at the time I am called at ,I will get cold water poured over me, by my
father.I then go the shower.I stay in the shower for about half an hour. Then I go down
stairs and have a big fry-up and a cup of tea. I walk to school. I go to the shop before
school to buy things for my lunch.
I arrive in school about fifteen minutes
before school begins. I then go into the yard for a small game of football. The bell goes
at ten past nine. Our teacher comes out and bring us in. We say our prayers first .
On Monday morning we do "Our News". Then we play monopoly if we have our work
done on every other mornings we correct our work. Then we do a little bit of Irish. then
we talk and finish our questions in our work books. Our teacher give us a little
brake at ten o'clock to go to the toilet. He does not like us running around the school.
We go up the yard at
half ten. we have a game of football. Usually we have an argument. We are a special class
this year. At the moment ,we are working on Story Maker.This is a special CD Rom. You can
make up your own stories on it. You can even make people talk. Sir is going to bring in a
microphone and record us with our own voices. He is brillant on computers.
Other lads are always coming into our room asking him how to fix things. I am finished my
story. My story is about a farm fire.I have to add my own sound effects yet, but with the
messers in our class this is going to be hard. We will have to do it some lunch time when
the lads are out in the yard.
After half ten we do some maths until half eleven. At half eleven we do some religion
book. We have a special religion book. We are making our confirmation, this year. We all
work hard, to work together. I go home at half twelve. At ten past one we go back to
school. At ten past one we do some history or some hand writing, in our special copies. We
have to catch up with our hand writing as we didnt have our copies for the first few
week. At the moment we are on a chapter about Irish travellers. It is very interesting.
Many of my people were travellers. We turn a shillin where ever we can.
We have a science book that tells us about fungus and mammals and
pollution and stuff like that.. We are way behind in our science as well,as we had no
books. We drive our teacher mad sometimes. He is okay.We do some maths on an Acorn
computer.It is as old as the hills. We have five computers thay work. We spend a lot
of time trying to get the other ones to wark also. Our teacher stays in after school to
get them working for us. We have nine computers in our class. That is one for everybody in
the audience, as Gay Byrne would say. Most of them are really old and do not have a CD rom
drive or a sound card. Our teacher got them from local factories. They were throwing them
out to the dump, but they were rescued and put working again by us. We do lots of stuff on
computer.At the moment we are emailing of new friends in Galesburg, Illinois, USA.
I go to Mrs Hayes at 12:00pm for half a hour.She helps us with our reading and
spellin.When come back we do activity book or Friday we do art or work on our web site. We
have PE on a Wednesday for 40 minutes. We have to use the hall in the Secondary school, as
we do not have our own hall. We have to wear special indoor shoes. Our teacher has a rule
"No changers, no PE". The bell goes at 3 minutes to 3. o'clock.We say our
prayers and then we line up and go home tired but happy.
The end
Miley Flynn --: