Robert Lonergan --:
We finish school at 3.00
oclock.We pack our bags and run out the door.I cycle home. I do not have far to go.
I go home on my own. There is usually nobody at home when I get there. I go in the back
door. After school I have something to eat and drink. I would usually have a glass of coke
and microchips or make a sandwich. I then go out to play some football with my
friends. After that me and my friends throw pebbles at windows and then the people
chase us.
We then might go out to the field to light a fire and then we throw an aerosol into the
fire and then it explodes and the neighbours complain but they never know that it is us,
who made the bang. Sometime we go into play if it is wet or cold outside, which happens a
lot in Ireland. We play on my playstation
especially on rainy days and cold days. but sometime we make knex cars with working
head lights.Then I have my dinner at about 7:o clock.Then I watch tv on till about
11oclock. I have something to eat before I go to bed. I get money
when I want it from my mother or sister. On the weekend I go into town to the
cinema. I have my own bed room.I would not like to share with anyone. I like being on my
Robert Lonergan.