here we come --: The
Rescue--:A few hours later I awoke. I looked all around me. We were safe, for
the moment. Dawn was just breaking. We had come through the night safely.I searched the
horizon for signs of life. Nothing but sea, sea and more sea. After many hours adrift, off
in the distance I thought I spotted something. I said nothing until I was sure. As we drew
nearer, the outline became clearer. As we drew nearer, the outline became clearer. Yes, it
was land. "It's the Azores " declared my father knowingly. "Maybe it's
Australia" declared my Mom. We rowed our little craft in its general direction. As we
came nearer the shore we jumped into the water.
Susie was twirling round and round. I was getting seasick. Mom couldn't swim;
so she held on to Dad. We swim toward the island. All of a sudden we spotted something big
and dark in the water. We spotted shark approaching. Luckily we also saw a friendly
dolphin that gave us a ride all the way to the island. Mother complained that her make-up
and hair were ruined. Dad couldn't believe his ears. He just counted to twenty very
slowly. "Will you please be quite, woman" he shouted at her.
decided to look for food. Susie found grapes growing on the island but as she went to pick
some a snake pounced out of nowhere. The snake bit her and poisoned her. "Where is
the First-Aid kit, when you need it " I thought to myself. Then I remembered what I
saw on a recent TV movie, that if you suck out the poison and spit it out that maybe I
could save my only sister from death. I put my mouth to the cut, shut my eyes and sucked
in what I could. It tasted horrible. I nearly passed out myself. I spat out the poison
immediately. I did this a few times.
Susie then fell asleep. The question was would she ever wake up again. Only time would
tell. It was going to be an anxious few hours. All of a sudden we felt the ground shaking.
Mom passed out. Citrus fruits fell from the trees; so we had something to eat. We realised
it was an earthquake. We became scared and ran into a nearby shelter. No one was there.
All of a sudden we heard a helicopter and ran outside the door.
We began waving our arms to attract the crew's attention. Thank goodness the helicopter
spotted us. They lowered a ladder and we were hoisted onboard, one by one. The helicopter
took us on to Jamaica.
As I was been hoisted up from the island I heard a voice in my ear "Wake up, Tommy ,
wake up, it's time for school".I sat up and looked around me. No sharkssn no
volcanoes, no helicopter, just my own boring bedroom. I was covered in sweat. I stumbled
out of bed and put on my school uniform. And headed for breakfast. "Have a good night
, sleep, darling" Mom enquired. That's the last time I have a feed of popcorn before
I go to bed. Bob Marley could be heard on the radio. Jamaica here we come, dream on .