Day 11 ~ Dear
Diary --:
On Tuesday the 23rd of May I went to Aiden Walsh’s house. He goes home on the bus and the girls started to kick Aiden on the
leg. It was sore and they
slapped him in the face. They wanted to bring me home with them, but Aiden
said that I was his friend and that they could not have me. He told the
girls to get a friend of their own. The music in the bus was cool, but I
still miss my friends from Newfoundland.
When we got off the bus we went to the GAA club to see Aiden’s
Dad. He is a nice guy and
when Aiden’s Dad said: “What’s that?” Aiden said
“This is Tuckamore,” and Aiden’s Dad said “He’s cute.”
brother Raymond
I really like wrestling
wanted to have me, but Aiden took me out of the box and we
watched the hurling match. Tramore were playing against some team from
Waterford. The team from
Waterford won. The Tramore
team weren’t that good. Then
Aiden said: “My brother is on goal,” and I said: “Is he?” and
then Aiden says: “But he is
crap on goal,” and then I goes: “Ha,
ha, ha.”
We then went to Aiden’s
house. I like his house, and
his mother said to Aiden: “Who’s
that?” and Aiden said: “That’s Tuckamore.”
She said: “Who?”
Aiden told her that I was the moose from Newfoundland here on a little
holiday and that I was visiting people’s houses, as I didn’t have
anyplace to stay in Tramore. “He is cute,” she said, “he can
stay”. I said:
“Thanks.” I went
red all over, as I am shy. I always go like that when people say nice
things about me. Then we went up stairs and we started to play wrestling
on his Mam’s bed. I beat
Aiden as I was the “Stonecold Steve Austin” and Aiden was “The
Rock.” Then we went
to play the Play Station and on the Play Station was “Tony Hawks.”
Aiden and I played with each other.
We took turns, and then we went out to Aiden’s garden and we
played golf at his wall. I
nearly broke a window. Aiden
is good at golf.
Then I went
out on the road for a game of football.
Aiden took eight penalties and I took eight penalties. I scored six
and Aiden scored eight. He is
good on goal. Then we went in
to Aiden’s house for dinner. We
had a lovely dinner. It was
delicious. We had potatoes, sausages and beans. It was lovely. His
mother is a good cook. I
said: “Thanks” to his Mum
for such a nice dinner. She said that I could come anytime as I was so
mannerly and I ate up all my dinner.
Then at 8.30 we watched a bit of television.
There are good programmes on the T.V.
At ten o’clock we went to bed and watched some more T.V.
It was good. Aiden
read a story for me and then I fell asleep.
Aiden stayed awake for two hours watching T.V.
The next morning Aiden
was called by his Dad and we got up and ready for school. That was my day with Aiden.
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