Day 12 ~ Dear
Diary --:
On Wednesday May 24th
I went home to Stephen Byrne's house.
On the way home we had to collect his little sister from her friends
When we got home Stephen got changed out of his school uniform and into
his normal clothes. Then we went out skateboarding and Stephen rolled over
me, I was in agony. I rolled all over the place in pain. I thought my leg
was broken. I told Stephen to be more careful in future as my leg was
still sore from the accident a few days earlierin Owen Whitehouse's house.
Then Stephen went
to soccer training and made the mistake of leaving me behind with his
little sister Emma, who put me on the back of her bike and went around and
around. I felt very dizzy. I asked her to stop as well, as I was beginning
to feel dizzy. I went in to have a little rest as all this excitement in
one day was not good for me. When Stephen got home I told him all about
what happened. He told his sister that, that was no way to treat a
visitor. We then went to collect Stephen's Dad from work. His Dad works in
the Industrial Estate in Waterford. His dad is nice. When we got home we
had dinner. I was really hungry at this stage. We had roast potatoes,
chicken, peas and carrots. It was lovely and I ate it all up. After that
Stephen did his homework and I watched him. Then Stephen brought me out to
play soccer and hurling, that was
good fun. After that Stephens Dad and sister Caroline brought me out in
the car to see the Metal Man. I sat up on the dashboard and could look out
the window at all that was happening. The Metal Man is an iron statue out
in Newtown Cove (you can read al about him on another part of this
website). We then went to the Prom Arcade and played on the slot machines.
I played the Formula One
game. It was fun. On the way home Stephen's Dad
decided to give his sister Caroline a driving lesson. Oh no, I
thought to myself, this smells trouble. While she was reversing, she
jerked and I went flying into the windscreen and bumped my head,really
My whole life passed before me. I thought I was dead. By the
time we got home I had a terrible dump on my forehead. Stephen’s Mum had
to get ice and put it on my forehead to keep the swelling down. Then we
went home and luckily Stephen's dad drove the car this time. When we got
home we watched a bit of TV, I had a bit of a headache so I decided on an
early night. We got ready for
bed and we brushed our teeth and jumped into the bed and went straight
asleep. At 12.00 midnight I woke up looking for a drink of water but
Stephen gave me a dig and said "GO BACK TO SLEEP", so I crept up
the hall and got it myself. While I was at it I had a midnight feast. When
I was finished I crept back down the hall and got back into bed. At 2.00
a.m. I woke up again looking for a wrestling match but Stephen gave me an
even harder dig than the last time and said "GO BACK TO SLEEP".
I would have liked a wrestling match but Stephen had to get up for school
the next morning.
In the morning I was fast asleep when I heard a
beep-beep. I was wondered if
it was the fire alarm but it was only Stephen's alarm clock. Stephen got
up but I did not want to, Stephen picked me up and threw me against the
wall. "Oww I was in pain. After I recovered, we had breakfast. We had
Weetabix and milk. They were nice. After that Stephen got dressed
for school. He put on his school uniform and he looked
lovely in it. And then I had my photo taken, I loved that. Then we
went to school. That was my day with