Day 14~Dear Diary --:
On Friday I went home with Brian Kavanagh. We walked home from school with Robert. It was
raining. I was in my box as usual and I was inside Brians schoolbag, so I was grand
and dry. Brian was wearing his heavy fleece and his hair was very wet. When we got home we
got changed. Brian changed into his tracksuit. After that we called over for Robert. While
Brian and me were played Lego, Robert was playing the game boy. We made some cars and men
from the Lego. Then we swapped over and I played the game boy. It is hard to play, as I do
not have small fingers. At 5.00 we went over to Brian s house to watch Dragonballz and
"Ed, Edd and 00 eddy on tv. We sat on the couch in the sitting room. At 6.00 we had
our dinner. We had chips and burgers. They were lovely. Then we cleared the table and
Katie and Denise did the wash up and for once they didnt argue. Brian dried up and
put the dishes away in the press. The kitchen was then lovely and tidy. At 7.00 we watched
the Simpsons. Homer and Bart are Brians favourite. We had no homework, as it
was Friday.
At 8.00 we went up to Brian' s room. We played on the play station. We played
"Crash Team Racing". Brian beat me, as he is very good. At about 9.30 we went
downstairs for tea and toast. At 10.00 we went to bed and fell asleep. During the night I
woke up as I was having a bad dream. I dreamt that large dogs were following me and that
they were pulling me to bits. I woke up in the middle of it and started to shake out.
Brian woke up and told me to go back asleep, as everything was okay. We then went and
looked out the window at all the drunk coming home from the GAA. It was about 12.30am this
time. We were having a great laugh at all the fellows who were running down the road. At
8.00 in the morning his Mam woke us up and we stayed in bed for ages, as we were tired
because we did not get much sleep. We were going to take the day off but his Mum would not
allow us. So we got up, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. I had Weetabix
and Brian had tea and toast. We then headed out the door and set out for school. That was
my day with Brian.Brian Kavanagh