
Day 19 ~
Diary --:
On Friday, June 2nd.
I was headed off with Michael Lawlor.
I was supposed to go to his house on Wednesday but he was sick at
home. I normally only spend one night in a boys house but I was spending
all the weekend with Michael and his family. We spent a lovely day in
school and I was looking forward to a lovely weekend with Michael and his
family. It was three o’clock and it was time to go home with Michael.
Michael and I walked to his house where I met Michael’s Mum and Dad,
Geraldine and Michael senior. Michael and his family are not in Tramore
very long but they really like it here. He has two sisters called
Elizabeth and Geraldine and a little brother, Francis.
Then we had some sandwiches to eat together and I put a sandwich on
Michael’s head. Michael
gave me a dig and said: “Be
good Tuckamore, or I’ll beat the head off you.”
He told me I was not to mess in his house and that I was to behave
myself or else I could spend another night in a dark garage all on my own
and I didn’t want that. He told me he heard about the messing that went
on in Ashley’s house and he did not want any more of it. I promised to
be good.
We decided
to go to the beach. “Not
again,” I said, so we had another row and Michael gave me another dig.
“What’s wrong with you any, Tuck” he said. “We thought you would
like the beach”. I told Michael that the last day I was there a fellow
threw sand in my eyes and I did not want that to happen again. Michael
told me that as long as he was around nobody would touch me. So eventually
we went to the beach and I was still crying because I wanted to play the
Nintendo. He told me that a guest does not behave like this and that he
was not very happy with the way I was carrying on so far. I soon forgot
about the Nintendo as I joined in the fun on the beach. We played with the
sand until it was time to go home. We
made lovely sandcastles. I
got water from the sea in a bucket and poured it around the castle to
prevent enemies attacking it. I then put a feather sticking out of the top
of the castle. I thought it looked very nice. I kept shouting “I’m the
king of the castle, get down you dirty rascal”. I waned to go for a swim
but Michael said I could not go because I did not have my togs and people
had to swim in Ireland with togs.
When we got
home we had our dinner. We
had pizza. It was really tasty. I said I was sorry for the way I behaved
earlier and I promised to be good for the rest of the night.
Then we got ready for bed. We washed our faces and cleaned our
teeth and then hopped into Michael’s bed. Michael read me some lovely
stories. It was nice to be tucked up nice and snug on a cold windy night.
I soon fell into a deep sleep. During the night I was dreaming about all
my old friends across the sea in Newfoundland. I kept wondering what they
were doing and what adventures they were having over there. Well, I am
having a great time here in Tramore. I wish some of my old friends were
here with me. I must email them from school tomorrow.
On Saturday the alarm went off but Michael would not wake up so I gave him
a dig. He woke up and gave me
a dig back. “What’s wrong with you now” he said,
“It’s time for school,” I said. “Go back to sleep you
ejeet, today is Saturday and we have no school”. “Oh dear, I have
messed up again” I said to myself. We got up much later on and got ready
for the day ahead. We had
cornflakes, orange juice and toast for breakfast.
The T.V. was good, as we watched Pokemon, Robocop and Rugrats.
The family were going into Waterford.
We went to the shopping centre, when we got hungry, we went to
McDonald’s and had chips and burgers.
They were tasty. I looked around for some things to bring home with
me, to all my friends in Newfoundland. There are some lovely shops in
Waterford. I will have to check in the bank on Monday to see if my credit
card has arrived. I hope my Mom remembered to arrange it back home. The
whole day passed and it was time to go home.
When we got home we got ready for bed and went to sleep.
Today is
Sunday and all the family got up and dressed and went to Mass. The church was full of different people.
The priest was at the altar with the altar boys.
We listened to the priest giving a sermon. He told us all to be
nice to one another and try and have a smile.
He then gave out Communion and gave his blessing.
We left the church and went home for dinner.
We had chicken with roast potatoes.
It was very tasty. After
dinner we went to the amusements and went on some rides like the “Drop
Zone” and the “Burpers”. Then
we went for burgers and chips. Then
we went home and watched T.V. until it was time to go to bed. All this
going out is costing me a fortune. I do not have much money left. I had to
ask Michael for a loan of £5 today as I really am short of cash. I lost a
lot of money the other night playing cards in Jimmy Coffey’s house.
On Monday Michael and I got up
and went to the beach again and lay on the beach till dinnertime and had
more burgers and chips. Michael’s Mum warned me about getting sunburn
but I told her I had thick skin and did not get sunburn. She rubbed it all
over Michael. He looked really funny.
Then we went home and played his Nintendo, watched T.V. and played
Snakes and Ladders till it was time for bed.
We had
Monday off because it was a Bank Holiday.
I actually stayed in Michael’s house for three nights.
I was sad on Tuesday morning.
The alarm went off at 8.45 AM.
Michael jumped out of bed and said:
“Come on, Tuck, let’s go, mate.”
I was feeling terrible and told Michael I could not go to school.
He called his Mum and told her she had a patient for the day. She said he might feel better later on. So Michael ran off to school and left me behind in bed.
When he was gone Michael’s brother came up for a chat.
I then got my breakfast in bed.
I felt better then. I
got up, had a shower and a shave, and headed for school.
Michael was surprised to see me.
It was a sad day for him as it was his last day in Edmund Rice
School. Michael and all his family are leaving Tramore tomorrow for good
as his Dad has a new job in Kildare town, which is about 90 miles from
here. He will be missed in the class as he is a good worker and has lots
of friends. He has invited me to Kildare when things settle down. I would
like that.
I really
enjoyed my stay with Michael and his family.
Michael Lawlor