This stone was erected by Edward Kirwan in memory of his wife Bridget Kirwan who dept this life the 23 Oct 1805 age 41 Erected by Edmond Shortis of Carrick-on-Suir in memory of his father Richard Shortis who dept this life on the 1 ? of March 1799 aged 64 Also his mother Anastasia Shoirtis alias O'Neil who departed on the same day aged 58 years Other stone lying, on ,round in church unreadable Other stone outside church lying on around unreadable
Back of Church Graveyard A grave no page no 1 1 Eileen Fogarty nee Cahill 320 Carrick Rd, Portlaw died ,15-12-'90. Her husband Patrick (Paddy) Fogarty died 1 1.04.1994 2 Michael Clancy Died 10.4. 1 85 Aged 70 years 3a In loving, memory of Mrs Mary White nee Gough Kilmagernogue died, August 1922 her son Thomas died 29th Nov 1947 Stephen died 27th Aug I956 Her daughter Ellen died 5th Dec 1963 Our beloved mother Annie White nee Hayes died 2nd Dee 1971 Mary Bridget White daughter of Thomas and Annie White died 27th Jan 1992Aged 73 Erected by Daughters of Thomas White3b Erected by Anastasia Gough in memory of her husband Patrick Gough of Kilmovee who died Sept 22nd 1898 Aged 50 years4. In loving, memory of Michael Walsh who died 28th Jan 1961 Aged 87 and his wife Mary Ann died 3Ist March 1965 Their son Patrick who died 14th May 1977 aged 47 Their son Michael F Walsh died Ist May 1986 aged 71
5 In loving memory of my dear wife Delia O'Keeffe RGNCM Heather View, Portlaw died 9th March 1970 Her husband died 18th March 19846 In loving memory of Elizabeth Funchion Main St. who died 14th July 1948 7 In loving memory of Jane Funchion Main St. who died 10th June 1949 8 In loving memory of Mrs. Bridget Gough, Kilmovee who died 16th April 1936 aged 80 years 9 Unknown if it is a grave or not 10. Erected by Thomas J Conway, Hacketstown in LM of my dear wife Emily L Conway who died 30th Jan 1934. The above Thomas J. Conway died 26th Dec 1958 aged 61 years 11. In loving memory of Margaret Kirwan, Killowen who died march 24th 1934 aged 78 years And her daughter Ellen died 6th Oct 1954 Catherine died 12th April 1959 Bridget died 8th Oct 1971
12 In loving, memory of Michael J Shanahan, Coolfin who died 5th Sept 1943 And his wife Frances Shanahan who died 24th Nov 1936 Their daughter May Shanahan who died 25th Oct 1964 Their son Mchael F Shanahan died 26th March 1967 13 In LM of my dear husband Michael O'Brien 5 Cross Rds Portlaw died 25th Jan 1948 aged 56 yearshis son David and grandson Michael who died young Bridget O'Brien died 23rd Sept 1990 aged 82 erected by his loving, wife and family 14a on one side of headstone 14b on next side Erected by Martin Ryan of Clashganny, Portlaw in LM of his wife Johanna Ryan who died 25th August 1914 Aged 68 years Also the above Martin Ryan who died 1Ith Nov 1917, Aged 72 years 14b Also his grandson Patrick who died young Thornas Ryan died 29th August 1941 his wife Winifred died 28th Nov 1982 Their daughter Winifried died 27th Jan 1991
17 In LM of our dear parents John and Catherine McCormac late of Main St Portlaw 18a on one side of headstone 18b on next side Erected by John Hearn in memory of his father Michael Hearne of Hacketstown died March 24th 1819 aged 62 years also his mother Mary Hearne died July 25th 1817 aged 54 years 18b Pray for the souls of of Philip Hearn Died 17th May 1893 aged 70 And also his wife Catherine Hearn nee Butler died 29th May 1910 age 75 also his daughter Margaret Hearn died 4th March 1892, aged 70 and his son Martin Hearn died 9th Feb 1914 aged 58 18c Pray for the souls of Thomas Hearne died 26th Oct 1954 aged 91 his wife Annie died 16 May 1946 aged 83 Their sons Philip died 24th Dec 1954 age 57 and Patrick died 26th Feb 1963 aged 64 16a Erected by John Higgins of Hacketstown in memory of his daughter Julia who died March 7th 1878 aged 18 years and his son Philip died Dec 17th 1888 aged 24 years Pray for the repose of the soul of the above John Higgins who died April 29th 1892 aged 82 years also his wife Julia who died Nov 4th 1893 aged 72 years and his daughter Margaret Nolan died August 18th 1897 aged 37 Also his son William Higgins who died Aug 5th 1937 aged 86 years And his wife Marian died Nov 20th 1945 aged 77 His son John died April 18th 1923 aged 27 years His daughter Margaret died May Ist 1923 age 22 His son Philip died Dec 27th 1930 age 22 years And his son Gerald died Oct 22nd 1932 aged 29 years His daughter Kathleen died 18 March 1942 16 b (on back of ) In loving memory of Michael Higgins died 6th Sept 1963 his brother William Higgins died 1Ith Nov 1964
15 Erected by Geoffrey Hally of Ballyshunnock in LM of his father Nicholas who died March 1860 aged 70 And his mother Bridget Hally nee Cummins died April 1867 aged 66 years Also his sisters Ellen Mary and Bridget who died young and his son Edmond Hally of Hacketstown Died 8th Aug, 1928 Aged 42 years Also his brother Michael Hally died 18th Feb 1935 aced 84 Alice Hally wife of Edmond died 24th Aug 1957 19 In memory of Mary K McGuinness who died 3rd Feb 1873 aged 26 years 21 In LM of Thomas Lannon 18 William St who died 10th June 1972 aged 75 His sisters Bridget Died 14th June 1960 aged 66 Annie died 29th April 1961 aged 58 And their father John died 3Ist Jan 1950 aged 87 Also his son John died 25th August 1977 Also Kate died 16th September 1983 20 In LM of Mary Lannon who died August 7th 1914 aged 48 yrs +33 Erected by David Delahunty of Killowen In memory of his beloved wife Margaret Delahunty alias Walsh who died November 30th 1873 aged 42 years And of Ellen Delahunty late of Peter Street, Waterford Died 16th Feb 1919
25 Erected to the memory of Edward Walsh (Late of Coolfin) who died Oct 30th 1883 Aged 60 years Also his wife Ann died Jan 28th 1880 Aged 66 years 32 In LM of Brigid Joy nee Power Portlaw died 20th Feb 1934 aged 85 Joseph Power died Dee 1885 His wife Kate Power died March 1896 Alice died Dec 1886 James Power Died Dec 1915 Maurice Power Died Feb 1922 William Power Died Dee 1934 Joseph Power Died 17 Feb 1965 his wife Mae nee Green Died 30th March 1983 31 James J. Kelly Died Dec 12th 1887 aged 7 years 30. In LM of Michael Kelly Died March 21st 1923 aged 83 years And of his Daughter Lily Died July 29th 1875 aged 2 years Also sons John Michael and Joseph who died young 29 In LM of James Ashmore died Ist Sept 1932 aged 77 years 26a Erected by Ellen Harney in LM of her husband William Harney who died April 4th 1891 Aged 54 years And of her daughter Lily died June 17th 1889 Aged 15 years 26b Also Ellen Harney Died June 30th 1901 Aged 74 years 26e William Harney Died 20th Feb 1913 Aged 37 Also Kate Walsh Barry died May 1910 Kathleen Harney Died 8th Aug 1969 Kathleen Harney died 2 1st Dec 1984 William Harney died 26th June 1990 27 Sweet Jesus Have Mercy on the souls of Mary Rees, Brown St who died 9 Nov 1965 Her husband William Died 25 Jan 1962 Her sister Bridget Ryan Died 17 Feb 1951 28 Erected in memory of James J. Hickey late of Clonmel who died Feb 7th 1882 Aged 68 years And his wife Ellen K. Hickey Died July 3rd 1882 Aged 75 years Also Sarah Winberry Died August 20th 1875 aged 84 years 24 Erected in memory of Thomas Fitzgerald of Ballyvalican who died July 27th 1870 aged 44 years Also Catherine Fitzgerald Died 11 th March 1929 Her Husband John Fitzgerald Died 17th February 1951 And their eldest son Michael Died 2 1st August 1959 23 In LM of Edward Mannix who died August 17th 1878 Aged 49 years Also his wife Mary died Jan 19th 1892 aged 65 years This monument is erected by their lovina daughter 22 Plot rnarked out stones and poles around it but no headstone
Graveyard Part B 26-59 In LM of Maraaret O'Shea Curraghmore Died 19th Oct 1963 Her Husband Edward Died 23rd May 1927 Their daughter Mary died 14th May 1967 Her sister Anne died 14th Dee 1958 Their grandson Brian O'Shea died 19th Sept 1992 aged 39 interred in Herts England His father Robert O'Shea Died 24th Dec 1994 27-60 Erected by James Shelly of Portlaw in memory of his father Edmond Shelly who departed this life May the 27th 1847 aged 66 years also his mother Mary Shelly alias Dunphy who departed this life, Dec 28th 1855 30-63 unidentified cross Aged 93 years Also his son Edrnond who died young rest underground
28-61 Little stone no name 29-62 Erected by Thomas English in memory of his wife Elizabeth EngIish who departed this life Dee 24th 1833 aged 39 years. Also two of his children Thomas and Catherine who died young, Thomas English died the 4th of June 1858 aged 70 years 31-69 Erected by Patrick Mansfield Ballyvalican In memory of his wife Mary died 15th Oct 1952 His brother Matthew died 4 Nov 1951 his wife Catherine Died 15 Dec 1940 His brother Thomas died 22 May 1951 32-65 Annie Power George's Street died 12th May 1929 Her brother Patrick Moloney died Feb 1935 Her Father, David Moloney, died may 1936 John Moloney Died 1lth Nov 1919 Her husband John died 28th June 1974 Her son Patrick Died 26 Aug 1983 In LM of Eileen Long, 303 Connolly Rd Died 7th Sept 1979 Aced 57 years 33-66 Pray for Ellen Meaney died Sept 14th 1921 34-67 James Regan who died 12th sept 1962 aged 32 years c his father Joseph Regan who died 3rd September 1933 aged 35 years Also his mother Anne O'Neill who died 7th May 1976 aged 73 years 35-68 In LM of James O'Neill 19 George's street who died 4th March 1975 Aged 84 his son Jack died 16th June 1965 aged 49 36-69 of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of John Hayes, Brownswood who died 25th Dec 1910 aged 69 years And his son James died 2nd Jan 1911 aged 36 years his daughter Alice, died 26th April 1933 his son Thornas died 26th Jan 1937 his wife Mary Hayes died 26th Jan 1938 Also John Connors died 19th Sept 1940 Mrs Joe Cahill Died 26th Dee 1968 Thomas Hayes Died 22nd Sept 1972 37-70 John O'Neill died 20-1-1939 aged 68 years Mary O'Neill died 18- 10- 1950 aged 81 39-72 Erected by Thomas Cody of Portlaw in mernory of is beloved wife Catherine Cody who departed this life October 15th 1858 aged 28 years Also his children who died young, 38-71 Erected by Alice Kernan of Portlaw In LM of her husband John who died Dec 27 1883 aged 49 Also her son John Joseph died March 25th 1890 aged 14 and her son Christian Patrick died Dee 26th 1902 aged 21 0 Also her son James Bernard Died Jan 20th 1903 aced 19 41-74 Erected by Philip Slattery in memory of his daughter Mary who died June 1Ith 1853 aged 12 Also his son Andrew died April 8th 1843 aged 5 years 40-73 Erected by Eleanor Power alias Doyle of Coolroe in memory of her husband John Power who departed this life November the 12th 1836 aged 34 years Also his father Patrick Power who departed this life March Ist 1856 aged 94 years Also his wife Eleanor Power dept this life Nov 22nd 1858 aged 77 years 12-45 Joe Morrissey's mother White Cross with red heart 42-75 In LM of Patrick Funchion Portlaw who died Sept 3rd 1896 aged 78 years 43-76 Erected by John Byme of Portlaw In memory of his son Michael who died July 2nd 1858 aged 21 years also 8 children who died young Also John Byrne who departed March the 25th 1862 aged 55 years 25-58 old stone half has been broken off Also six of her children who died young C and also in memory of her son Patrick Comerford who departed this life Jan 9th 1860 aged 19 years And also her daughter Mary Anne Comerford who departed this life May 30th 1857 aged 27 years 44-77 In LM of William Pickett, Portlaw who died Easter Sunday 1928 Also his wife katherine died St Patrick's Day 1953 45-78 For the glory of God and in LM of James and Margaret O'Driscoll and their daughter Ellen Mary died 10th Sept 1904 aged 14 yrs. Erected by V. Rev F.J. O'Driscoll PP Burley Idaho USA
52 open space 1 small stone marked Foran 79 2-80 Maurice Foran PVT Co L 158 Infantry World War 1 1889 Oct 5 1964 3-81 To the memory of Maurice Foran Glenhouse who died 10th Jan 1900 aged 56 years His sister Mary Cantwell died 3rd sept 1892 aged 46 And 3 children died young His wife Mary Foran died 23rd June 1934 aged 72 Catherine Foran, Knockane died 16th Oct 1978 Davy Foran, Knockane died 13th Jan 1992 aged 94 4-82 Erected by Jeffrey Harney of Keaouge in memory of his father John Harney formerly of Lismutaun who departed this life Jan 22nd 1830 aged 68 years 5-83 In LM of Mary White Kilmagemogue who died 26th March 1968 Her husband John White died 4th Jan 1971 their son Thomas white Died 1 I th Feb 1984 6-84 Erected in memory of James Rockett of Knockane who departed this life March 17th 1860 aged 67 Also his son William who died 1 I th Oct 1883 aged 47 years Anastasia Rockett died 9th March 1947 And her brother Edmond Also Ellen Rockett of Ballycarty died 28th May 1928 aged 85 7-85 In ever LM of Jarnes Walsh Coolfin who died 19th June 1956. His wife Johanna nee Power who died December 1917 their daughter Bridget Cummins died 23rd Sept 1968 Their son John died 30th April 1993 Aged 87 8-86 Erected by Bridget Power in memory of her beloved husband Edward Power died at sea Jan 24th 1872 a native of Ballyquinn Waterford aged 29 years 9-87 Half underground NEW RECORD Erected by Richard Henneberry of Coolroe in memory of his father Patrick who departed this life Dee 24th 1852 aged 66 years Also his mother Johanna Henneberry alias Kirwan who departed this life Oct 31st 1855 aged 68 years 10-88 In memory of William Rockett Carrickbeg died Dec 8th 1884 aged 60 years. His father Edward Rockett died April 1Ith 18-54 aged 66 years. Also his brother and sister Patrick and Ellen Ellen Whaley Portnaboe Also her son William died 23rd Dee 1876 Her daughter Margaret Whaley died 31 July 1990 11-89 Erected by Thomas White of Lahardaun In memory of his brother John White who dept this life Nov Ist 1827 aged 65 years Also his son Patrick White died Aug 1872 And his daughter Agnes died April 1913 aged 60 12-90 Sacred to the memory of the late Maurice Power who died May 3 1st 1863 aged 67 years Also his mother Anne Power alias White who died September 16th 1821 aged 73 years Erected by Patrick White Kilmagemoaue James White died 9th Jan 1941 13-91 Erected by Pierce Butler of Darrigle In memory of his father Patrick Butler who dept this life march 7th 1830 aged 59 years Also his brother Edmond who dept this life August 24th 1825 aged 18 years Also his brother William who dept this life Oct 17th 1830 aged 19 14-92 In LM of Thomas Butler late of Darrigle and Portlaw died 5th July 1946 Aged 68 yrs Also his wife Mary Butler Nee O'Driscoll died 1Ith Feb 1971 aged 76 years 15-93 Erected by the Widow Power, Curragaggart, Portlaw In memory of her husband Nicholas Power, who died on 3rd Oct 1971 aged 60 Also in memory of her dear children James and Willie who died young, Mary Anne Power died 30 June 1883 aged 34 Anastasia Power died 6th May 1897 aged 85 John Power died 22 March 1904 aged 58 Also Katherine O'Neill nee Butler Portlaw late of Darrigle died Oct 1950 Her son Regis O'Neill died 23rd Jan 1967 Her brother Richard Butler died 29th Sept 1959 Her sister Alice Butler died 24th Sept 1955 Ellen (Lil) Butler died 13th Jan 1978 Also Patrick Butler of Darrigle died 2nd April 1887 aged 52 And his wife Ellen Butler nee Shanahan died 19th Dee 1885 aged 40 Also his son James Butler died 26th June 1895 aged 27 16-94 In LM of Mary Angela (Maura) Butler Late of Butlerstown and Portlaw died 20th May 1979 daughter of Thomas and Mary Butler 17-95 In LM of Josephine O'Neill Late of Main St Portlaw who died 24 Nov 1985 18-96 FacingRoad Also his brother Richard who died on 20th Sept 1852 aged 45 years Also his brother James who died 8th Jan 1853 aged 50 yrs Facing Wall Erected by Mr John Rockett to the memory of his father Edmond Rockett of Coolroe who died Nov 22nd 1851 aged 90 years. Also his mother Elizabeth Rockett alias Joy who died 18th April 1939 Also his son William who died March the 24th 1855 aged 6 years 19-97Little stone no name 20-87 In LM of Joan Cullen 212 Queen St who died 10th June 1955 aged 43 years Her husband Patrick Cullen died 27th May 1977 aged 63 yrs Her father Geoffrey Foley died 17th March 1962 aged 88 yrs 21-99 John Doyle Died the 2nd March 1881 aged 70 yrs 21-100 Patrick Doyle died 20th Jan 1903 aged 56 yrs Erected by the Woodlock Family in rnemory of the faithful servants and friends of George Pim and Emilie Maud Malcomson. 22-100 Small Stone no name 23-101 Erected by Mrs Mary Browne in memory of her father Denis ? Leary died April 6th 24-1-2 The burial place of James O'Neill and his wife Ellen O'Daniel And their family and his brother William O'Neill and his family of the City of Waterford 1833 25-103 Erected by Mrs Catherine Power of Waterford of this Parishto the memory of her affectionate husband John Power who departed this life on the 2 1st Feb 1846 aged 65 years26-104 Erected by John Power in memory of his father Edmond Power of Ballyshunock who departed this life Aug 16th 1850 aged 56 yrsAlso his grandmother Johanna Power who departed this life July 12th 1846 aged 90 yrs (without checking out all the other records this seems to be the furthest back we can go. Johanna born 1756 died 1846 aged 90 yrs.)27-105 Erected by Richard Henebry of Killowen in grateful recollection of his son James Henebry who dept. from this life on the 25th March 1810 aged 35.Also as a tribute to the memory of his son William Hennebry who departed on the 30th April 1841 aged 30 years 28-106 Rusty cross unidentified 29-107 Erected to the memory of Mrs Margaret McGrath alias Rockett of Coolroe Parish of Carrickbeg who died on the 28th Jan 1870 aged 65And to the memory of Mrs Ellen Nolan alias Rockett of Darrigle who died on the 27th March 1874 aged 76Pray for the soul of Thomas McGrath of Coolroe Carrickbeg who died on the 3rd of May 1914 aged 7730-108 Sacred to the memory of Nicholas Joy of the stables who died July 22nd 1822 Aged 60 yearsAlso to the memory of his wife Ellen Joy alias Shanahan, who died Oct 6th 1853 aged 8231-109 Erected by James Quinn to the memory of his father William Quinn aged 81 years died 25th April 1824 of his mother Susan Quinn aged 103 years died Ist May 1839 ( Susan born 1736 according to gravestone)of his dauahter Margaret aged 32 years died 16th April 1851 And of his son James aged 26 yrs died 29th Jan 1859 In memory of William Quinn died August 2nd 1911 aged 44 Pray for the soul of Richard Quinn died June 22nd 1889 aged 66 and his daughter Mary J. Grant nee Quinn died March 5th 1908 aged 46 33-111 Erected by John Phelan of Kilmovee in loving memory of his wife Catherine Phelan died 5th April 1861 aged 50 His mother Catherine Phelan died 1836 aged 72 His father Patrick Phelan died 1838 aged 76 His brother Patrick Phelan died 1835 aged 40 two of his children died young Martin Phelan Kilmovee died 14th Sept 1916 His wife Margaret Phelan died 13th Dec 1961 their daughter Kathleen Phelan died 6th March 1972 their son John Phelan died 13th Nov 1986 32-110 Sacred to the rnemory of Susan Power alias Quinn who dept this life May 2nd 1866 aged 40Also her Son Pierce P. Power who died July 11th 1859, aged 63 and her daughter Margaret N Power who died Feb 28th 1862 Aged 3.5 And her brother John Quinn who died Feb 28th 1863 aged 50 years And also to Susanna his wife who died 29th Feb 1888 aged 56 years 38-116 In LM of Mary (Ciss) Gough, Kilmovee who died 8th March 1969 Her brothers Patrick Died 13th July 1944 James died 17th Feb 1965 Michael died 10th Oct 1969 Also their Parents 39-117 Erected by Philip Goff of Killmavee in memory of his daughter Mary Goff who departed this life Jan 1829 aged 27 years Also his son Philip Goff who departed this life Jan 18th 1929 aged 13 40-118 Erected by Mrs Hannah Gough, Killmavee In LM of her husband Thomas Gough who died 1st April 1907 aged 45 years Her daughters May Bridie & Rita who died young Her son Thomas died 12th Jan 1924 aged 18 years her brother-in-law Michael Gough died 4th Feb 1920 aged 60 Her daughter Ellen Gough died 7th Sept 1977 aged 74
34-112 Erected by James Faulkner Portlaw In memory of his daughter Mary who died Jan 20th age 18 years Also Maurice dept Jan the 22nd aged 16 years Catherine Feb 6th aged 15 years They all departed this life 1829 37-115 Black wooden cross 55 Small rusty Cross broken in half 35-113 Erected by Mrs Mary Power housekeeper to the late Rev Michael O'Rourke P..P. PortlawTo the memory of her dear and only daughter Kate who died Feb 2nd 1858 aged 18 years.36-114 Erected by Mary Power in memory of her Parents and of her sister and 2 of her children who died young
41-119 In LM of our dear Parents Catherine O' Neill,, George's St died 25th May 1958 And her husband William died 3 Ist May 1959 their daughters Kitty and Tessie who died in England 42-120 In memory of Margaret Knox died 23rd Jan 1995 Her husband Michael died 16th Sept 1977 Interred in England their Grandson Lee Knox died 12th July 1995 44-122 Treasured memories of Mary O'Shea 22 William St who died 21st Aug 1972 aged 82 years Her husband Michael Died 8th Feb 1977 aged 84 Her sister Bridget Died 14th Nov 1973 aged 80 Their son Patrick Died 8th Nov 1982 aged 53 interred in Warrington Also the deceased Broderick family 53 Slab of stone unidentified 54 Slab of stone 43-121 Erected by James & Elizabeth Donnelly In memory of his father Patrick Donnelly died 24th March 1883 aged 82 years and his brother Martin died June 1875 aged 22 years 45-123 Erected by Declan O'Donnell of Hacketstown in memory of his wife Johanna who died Jan 27th 1880 aged 72 years 46-124 Erected by Ann Wall of Mount Bolton In memory of her husband William Wall who died April Ist 1817 aged 66 years Also her son William Wall who died Oct 2nd 1845 aged 16 years Also her father William Lynagh who died May 1st 1834 aged 70 Also her mother Margaret Lynagh who died March Ist 1835 aged 72 years 47-125 In LM of Alice Delaney Curraghmore who died 12th May 1958 aged 77 Her husband Edmond died 1st July 1961 aged 84 Their son Edward died 2 1st Feb 1986 aged 69 years Their daughter Lena died 5th August1985 aged 72 years 48-126 In LM of Ellen Sullivan nee Dooley died 25th Aug 1905 aged 70 Also her husband John Sullivan Died USA 49-127 Rusty Cross no name 50-128 Erected to the rnernory of Catherine White alias Beaey died Sept 16th 1863 aged 53 years51-129 Erected by Thomas Foley of Croughataggart in LM of his wife Ellen Foley nee Gough who died 20th July 1917 aged 68 years Also of his father & mother, brother and three sisters and of his nephew Patrick Foley died 15th Nov 1918 aged 31 The above Thomas Foley died 8th June 1921 aged 74 Also his brother Bart Foley died 22nd May 1909 aged 67 years 52-130 Unidentified slab 53-131 Unidentified slab 54-132 Unidentified slab 55-133 Small rusty Cross broken in Half 56-134 Big Rusty Cross 28 Rusty Cross 36 Black Wooden Cross no name
1-135 Grave With Railling Ann Kiely Died 18th March 1973 2-136 Erected by William hearne of Waterford In memory of his mother Margaret Hearne of Gurtardaugh who died Sept 1st 1840 age 38 yearsAnd his father James Hearne who died Dec 3rd 1857 age 63
3-137 Gave setting but no headstone 7-144 Cross above tomb In LM of James Power Ballycahane who died 7th April 1927 His wife Mary died 4th July 1907 His son Matthew died young And his brother Patrick Power died the 12th July 1925 Also Mary Power died 10th March 1954 4-138 In memory of Mrs David Power of Bally who died on Nov 3rd 1830 age 70 years 5-139 Can`t read / do again 6-140 Can`t read / do again 8-142 Sacred to the memory of George Phelan of Portlaw who died Oct 22nd 1852 aged 56 yearsAlso to his beloved wife Ann Phelan alias Cantwell who died July 8th 1866 aged 70 YearsGeorge Murray Phelan who died 9th of Jan 1953 aged 76 His wife Mary Nee Mc Grath died the 2nd of Aug 1949 aged 62
Richard Phelan died Nov 28th 1927 aged 88 His wife Catern Nee Murray died 15 of June 1933 aged 93 Their son David died the 18th of Nov 1879 aged 6 Their daughter Sarah died 3rd of March 1961 aged 78
9-143 Erected By Ann Phelan of Portlaw In memory of her beloved husband Richard Phelan who died Nov 24th 1851 aged 40 Also six of his children who died young And Patrick Phelan Died the 25th of Jan 1907 aged 84 Also his son Patrick who died young And his wife Bridget died 27th Jan 1928 aged 79
10-144 Erected by Patrick Phelan of Portlaw in rnemory of his beloved wife Mrs Mary Phelan alias Harney who died July 21st 1876 age 42 years 11-145 Sacred to the memory of Thornas Flahavan, Glenhouse died Oct 10th 1917 age 60 yearsAnd his brother Edward Flahavan Kilnagrange died 15th Aug 1925 aged 75 Also his wife Mary Flahavan died 27th Feb 1939 aged 68 Catherine Walshe nee Flahavan Carraiagcastle died 2nd Sept 1940 Mary Flahavan, Glenhouse died 5th April 1941 Aileen Flahavan, Kilnagrange died 26th Sept 1964 aged 57 years Anges M Flahavan nee Walshe died 25th July 1982 aged 78 years her husband Tom Flahavan, Glenhouse who died 20th May 1990 aged 85 years 12-146 In memory of Catherine Costello, Lahardan who died 21st Nov 1929 and Bridget Costello nee Sealey died Ist Oct 1935 John Costello died 8th July 1960 aged 84 and their son Thomas died 9th Dec 1968 James died 12th June 1960 Patrick died 21st August 1962 13-147 slab of stone 14-148 Erected by Patrick Rockett of Clashganny in memory of Ellen his daughter who departed this life the 21st Jan 1831 aged 16 years 15-149 Erected by Mrs Sullivan In memory of her husband Michael Sullivan who died March 8th 1889 aged 63 years 16-150 In rnernory of Mary and Patrick Maher, William St their daughter Nellie their sons Willie, Jirn and Jack their daughter -in -law Maggie 17-151 Here lies the body of Michael Donovan of Mayfield who departed this life Nov 16th 1836 aged 84 years 18-152 Erected by Michael Donovan of Mayfield in memory of his grandson Michael Donovan who died June 22nd 1833 aged 19 years19-153 In memory of Margaret Phelan who died on the 13th Aug, 1987 aged78 years 20-154 In LM of John Phelan who died 12th Sept 1929 aged 32 years Also his mother Ellen Phelan who died 2nd May 1935 aged 78 years and father Patrick Phelan who died 7th Jan 1938 aged 72 years 21-155 In LM of Bridget Lonergan nee Phelan died 3rd Jan 1982 22-156 In mernory of Thomas Whelan who died on the 21st April 1988 aged 86 years 23-157 Erected by Walter Doyle of Coolroe in memory of his wife Catherine Doyle alias Goarman who departed this life the 22nd of May 1836 aged 55 years Also his son James who died the 17th April 1836 aged 20 years and his son Michael Doyle who departed this life Jan 6th 1838 aged 18 years 24-158 Erected by Mrs Commins of Ballyshunock in memory of her son Richard Commins who departed this life 24th May 1829 aged 32 Also of her husband James Comrnins and also of her two sons James and John may their souls rest in peace 25-159 Erected by James Rockett In memory Eleanor Rockett who departed this life June 29th 1835 aged 66 years26-160 Erected by Samuel Warren in memory of his son John who died March 1847 ? 2 aged 14 years 27-161 Erected by Mary Power alias Donnelly of Clashganny in memory of her son James Power who dept this life Dec 8th 1839 aged 18 years 28-162 Erected by Nicholas Corcoran in memory of his father Nicholas Corcoran of Glenfooka who died Oct 25th 1878 aged 73 29-163 Patrick Fogarty, Coolfin 4/4/43 Margaret Fogarty 25/12/58 31-164 In memory of James Morrissey Jordan 278 George's St died 25th Sept 1965 aged 52 And his wife Philomena Morrissey Jordan died Nov 14th 1991 acted 66 years 31-165 To the memory of Maurice McGrath, Rath, Carrickbeg Vice Commandant 8th Batt 3rd Tipp Brigade Old I.R.A. 1885-1922 Erected by the 3rd Tipp Brigade Old IRA Commemoration Committee 1973 32-166 In LM of Patrick Power 206 George's St died 8th Oct 1982 aged 69 Also his wife Margaret died 1st Dec 1984 33-167 Erected by Patrick Duggan, Coolfin in LM of his Wife Ellen nee Browne died 1lth June 1936 aged 58 Her mother Mary Browne died May 1920 and her father John Browne died Oct 1925 The above Patrick Duggan died 19th June 1953 aged 76 Patrick Duggan, Junior died 22nd March 1976 age 55 34-168 Brigid Ni Chuim in do mncoi loma is iú Murhada ó baile na bfaoiteach fuain bás an seisead lá do iní Sept 1909 35-169 In LM of John Kelly upper Brown St who died 24th Dec 1936 His wife Mary died 15th June 1939 Their daughter Mary died 18th July 1967 Their son William Kelly died 3rd Oct 1972 aged 77 and his parents John and Charlotte 36-170 Erected by their loving children in memory of Elizabeth Ellen Horgan nee Curran died 30th Dec 1920 aged 48 Michael Horgan died 29th Jan 1949 aged 84 37-171 In said and LM of William J. Curran died 20th July 1916 His wife Susan nee Funchion died 3rd March 1936 and their children Michael,Nellie and Christian who died young 38-172 Erected by Mary Shanahan in memory of her father Michael Shanahan of Mayfield who died Dec 22nd 1836 aged 76Also her mother Bridget Shanahan alias Power who died June 10th 1838 aged 49 Also 7 brothers and 4 sisters39- 173 An everlasting memory of a dear mother and friend Catherine Phelan nee Murphy Gurtharda, Portlaw died 25th Aug 1987 aged 6440-174 In LM of Patrick (Gerry) Rockett died 30th Sept 1963 aged 59 His wife Mary nee Cummins died 27th March 1989 aged 72 their sons Keyin died 22nd March 1970 aged 26 William died 8th Nov 1995 aged 56
41-175 Ordo Aiblin NI Broin an gad la Eanair i mbl 1912 42-176 In LM of Mary Morris, Curraghmore died June 1907 her daughter Bridget Kelly Curraghrnore died 7th June 1936 aged 94 Also her grand-daughter Elizabeth Young nee Kelly beloved wife of Peter died in Cardiff 17th Sept 1964 aged 72 43-177 In LM of Patrick Costello, Lahardan died 21st Aug 1962 aged 76 Also his wife Mary nee Bates died 5th Oct 1978 aged 79 44-178 In LM of Brigid White nee Costello, Cullinagh died 9th Dec 1958 aged 59 Erected by her loving husband and daughter Kathleen 45-179 unidentified basic cross 46-180 In LM of my dear parents Patrick Walsh, Curraghmore died 3rd Feb 1928 Bridget Walsh died 10th Feb 1946 Their son Richard died 23rd July 1932 47-181 To the Memory of Mrs Margaret Nolan, Fairbrook died 10th Oct 1921 aged 73 48-182 Erected by David Heffernan of Pill Road In memory of his mother Catherine Heffernan died June 6th 1830 aged 80 years also his son Patrick Heffernan who died Dec 7th 1831 (/) aged 27 years
his daughters Mary & Catherine 2-184 unidentified 3-185 unidentified 4-186 5899 Gunner W Power Royal Field Artillery 2nd June 1915 aged 43 5-187 In LM of Michael Butler Connolly Road soldier of the great war who died 9th June 1979 aged 93 6-188 Small, stone cross painted white no name 7-189 Very small white cross with white surround no name possibly a child
8-190 Pray for John Murray White Clonowne? late of Portlaw died Oct 1992 9-191 no name 10-192 In Memory of John & Mary Healy Clancy, Ross, Kilmeaden and their children Ellen, Margaret & Michael, Denis and Patrick Erected by their grandchildren Walter and Mary Healy of Worcester Mass US 11-193 Erected by David Kehoe Mayfield Cottage In LM of his wife Margaret died Nov 22nd 1912 aged 49 and the above David Kehoe died 23rd Oct 1920 aged 68 12-194 John Maugh Portlaw who died Sept 6th 1915 aged 68 His wife Johanna Maugh nee Joy died Dee 26th 1919 aged 74 and her brother James Joy, Stables died Feb 1921 aged 77 13-195 unidentified 14-196 In LM of Patrick Fitzgerald Kilmovee died 16th April 1949 aged 76 His wife Mary died 19th Jan 1963 aged 80 and their daughter Eileen died 16th Sept 1952 aged 36 Michael Fitzgerald died 10th March 1983 15-197 In LM of Mary Fitzgerald nee Foran Croughtaggart who died 17th Aug, 1925 aged 51 her husband Williarn died 17th Oct 1955 aged 86 their son Edward died 19th Feb 1973 aged 69 16-198 In LM of Edward Cahill William St died Jan 1940 aged 48 his son Richard died 1921 Age one and a half 17-199 Roger Cahill 5th Feb 1965 18-200 In LM of Bridget Crotty 6 Bridge St died 16th April 1962 ace 82 years also her deceased Parents and brother her niece Ann Crotty who died young. 19-201 In LM of George Clarke youngest and dearest beloved son of Alfred and Mary Clarke, Curraghmore who departed this life on Dec 26th 1916 aged 15 years and of the above Alfred Clarke who died 9th Feb 1923 aged 54 and his wife Mary died 16th Dec 1947 and their son Harry died 15th Sept 1971 Also Alfred died 22nd July 1931 20-202 Erected by Edward Uniack to the memory of his father in law Williarn White, died March 1859 acted 80 years Also Thomas White died April 1960 aged 37 years Also his child who died young John White 36 Brown St died 29th Jan 1965 His two sons died young 21-203 In LM of John A (Tony) White 36 Brown St died 19th August 1980 And May White died 20th Aug 1986 22-204 In LM of Kate Foley of Portlaw who died 1 I th Feb 1923 and of her husband Thomas Foley died 23rd Feb 1929 their daughter Alice (Lily) died 10th Aug, 1962 23-205 In LM of Thomas McGrath Hackettstown died 4th July 1956 aged 72 years his wife Mary died 18th Aug 1961 aged 78 his daughter Mary died 4th Feb 1934 aged 20 Also 2 grandchildren who died young, 26? In LM of William & Bridget Bagge and family Kilmovee 24-206 In LM of Alice Kirwan died 31-7-1925 aged 42 years David Kirwan died 15-5-1946 aged 42 Patrick Kirwan died 18-2-1952 aged 85 Patrick Kirwan died 4-1-1949 aged 40 Dolores Kennedy died 20-8-1961 age 3 month Mary Kirwan died 9-2-1991 age 59 25-207 Bridget Power Hacketstown died 16th May 1931 age 77 also her son James died 20th Oct 1956 age 69 26-208 In LM of our dear parents Philip Walsh 292 Queen St died Nov 27th 1945 age 77 Catherine Walsh died 12th June 1943 aged 68 their son Patrick died 26th May 1923 aged 20 Mrs Frances Walsh Mount Bolton died 6th Nov 1937 aged 37 Philip Walsh died 7th Nov 1972 aged 72 Jack Walsh died 23rd May 1961 aged 79 27-209 Erected by John Joy Coolnamuck in memory of his wife Mrs Mary Joy who died July 20th 1901 aged 56 also his father and mother sisters and uncle 29-112 in memory of Richard Joy Croughatagart who died 20th Aug 1953 aged 75 his brother Edward died 27th April 1956 aged 82 Richard (Dick) Joy died 14th Feb 1979 aged 72 28-210 In momery of James Joy of Coolroe who died 4th of March 1902 aged 85 His wife Marcel died 6th Jan 1901 aged 85 And their daughters Catherine Joy died 24th Sept 1919 aged 6 Johanna Joy died 22nd August 1928 aged 69 30-212 In LM of Michael Hearne Queen St his wife Mary and their sons Thomas and Patrick 31-213 In LM of Mary Kelly upper Brown St who died 19th July 1940 aged 79 her son John Queen St died 2nd May 1935 aged43 32-214 In LM of our dear father Thomas Hearne Gortaclode died 4th Dec 1987 aged 92 32-215 In LM of Richard Wilson 38 Brown St who died 18th Oct 1969 aged 77 his wife Eileen died 29th Oct 1976 their son Thomas died 14th March 1980 aged 45 Erected by his wife and family 33-216 In memory of John Darcy, Brown St died 11 th May 1928 his wife Catherine Died 25th May 1944 Their daughter Kathleen died 4th July 1973 35-217 Erected by Thornas Murphy of Ballyvallican in memory of his beloved wife Mary Murphy nee Marr who died 23rd Oct 1922 aged 28also his mother Catherine Murphy nee Walsh died 3rd Feb 1914 aged 60 years interred at Rathcrormack Ellen Murphy Ballyvalican died 18th March 1950 aged 87 yearsThomas Murphy Ballvalican died 19th Dec 1957 aged 73 Thomas Murphy (Kill) and Ballyvalican died 2nd March 1988 aged 64 Dad you are not just a memory or part of the past you are a father to remember as long as life lasts from you loving children Helen, Michael Thomas Bridget Raymond and Philomena 36-218 Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on the souls of Edmond Keane, Kilmagemogue who died 24th Oct 1925 aged 52 and his wife Bridget Keane nee Roche died 21st April 1946 aged 77 years c 37-219 In LM of Mary Ann Power nee Dooley Blacknock died 22nd Jan 1974 aged 86 and deceased members of her family 38-220 Erected in LM of John Baldwin Croughataggart who died 18th Nov 1924 aged 74 yearsand his wife Mary Baldwin died 29th April 1927 aged 63 years his sister Catherine Gleeson died 4th June 1930 aged 80 his daughter Margaret Casey died 19th Jan 1947 aged 58 years 39-221 Erected by Thomas Cooney of Modeligo in memory of uncle James Cooney of Ballyvalican who died 7th May 1915 aged 60 40-222 Pray for the repose of the souls of William Power Knocknacrohy who died 15th July 1926 aged 76 Also his son James Patrick who died 13th Nov 1918 aged 24 And his wife Anne Power died 6th March 1932 aged 74 Also their daughters Margaret (Poilie), Mary and Catherine Howlett Also their son in law William O'Neill 41-223 In LM of John Power Coolfin Cottage died Nov 20th 1964 aged 70 Also his parents John & Catherine Power erected by his loving wife and family 42-214 In LM of a dear mum and nan Eileen O'Sullivan died 15th Feb 1992 aged 75 late of George's St Portlaw a native of Ballintemple Cork 43-225 Grave new 44-226 JohnnySullivan 45-227 In memory of Daniel and Abina Hallissey Kerry and Portlaw and their son Michael their daughter Abina Their grandchildren Kitty and Daniel died young 46-228 Rusty Cross 48-230 Erected in LM of James O'Mahony Baylough who died 26th May 1940 aged 78 Also of his children Thomas and Josephine who died young and his wife Ellen O'Mahony died 8th April 1945 aged 68 and their daughter Catherine Mary O'Mahony died 12th July 1947 aged 27
51-133 in the boxed railing In LM of Mary Cooney nee Hickey who died 27th Sept 1930 Also her sister Abigail who died 4th May 1921 Ellen Redmond who died at Woodlock Convent July 5th 1921 aged 70 Mary O'Connor Walsh died 23rd Dec 1939 at Woodlock Convent Maude daughter of the late Colonel John Nowlan died 18th Sept 1920 aged 54 in LM of my dear sister Helen Gibbons died 26th July 1935 at Woodlock Convent 56-238 Erected by Thomas McCarthy in memory of his brother Florence who died May 4th 1855 aged 32 And one of his children who died young 57-289 In LM of James Power Glenhouse who died 21st July 1911 aged 72 His wife Mary Power nee Harney died 24th March 1915 aged 71 and their son Patrick Power died 19th June 1923 aged 46 Their son Michael Power died 23rd Jan 1940 aged 67 Bridget Power died 16th June 1979 49-231 Ellen Maher Nov 20th 1957 -232 Thomas Cummins
245 No previous record forgotten grave Pray for the souls of Mary Anne Fogarty, Portlaw who died 4th August 1916 Also her husband James Fogarty died 16th Jan 1925 and in memory of my beloved wife Mary Fogarty Egan died 19th Nov 1945 aged 60 Erected to the memory of Mrs David Power of Ballyshunnock who died Nov 30th 1830 aged 70 sacred to the memory of David Power of ? also his son Richard ???? rest can't be read
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