Rockett’s Castle A tower of Norman construction erected on the banks of the Suir in 1212. The fortress manor house was destroyed in 17/18th century. Rockett was a pirate who raided shipping on the river. He was hanged in Waterford. Sir Algernon May later owned it and he gave the name Mayfield to the area.. The house and castle have been extensively renovated over the last few years by its foreign owners as a shooting/fishing estate
Woodlock was opened by the Sisters of Cluny in April 1909. It was another house which belonged to the Malcolmson family and they left it to the sisters.. The Malcolmsons were not Catholic . Woodlock is today a nursing home for the elderly run by the sisters
Built by the Malcolmson family and around which the village grew. American civil war had a detremental effect on the cotton mills and ultimately was one of the main reasons for its closure. Built in Portlaw because of the availibility of water from the Clodiagh for power and in the cotton process. Connected to the Suir via canal. It is said that the Cadbury Brothers wanted to buy the mills as their Irish depot. The Tannery opened here in 1935
The curates residence was situated on "Priests Rd.", Knockane. The last curate to live here was Fr. Flynn. The house was demolished several years ago and a new curates residence was built on the site
A unique building, only one other such building in the world.. A circular building with a roof of copper which had to be constantly polished. The lodge was situated inside the grounds of another Malcolmson house called MilFord house . It was a huge loss to the village when it was dismantled and sold |
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