These poems were written by Miss McCarthy's fifth class in 1998 Mark and the Ark There was once a young boy called Mark, Who wanted to live in an ark. He called up poor Noah, But Noah said " No....ah, Why don’t you live in the park. Lorraine Donnelly
The Lady from Mars There was an old lady from Mars, Who liked to ride on the stars, One night she fell All the way to hell So now she is behind bars. Sara Power and Niall Morrissey
History My friend thinks history is boring. When teacher mentions that subject she starts groaning. She hates listening about castles, She rathers the battles. She claps for the Vikings ‘cause she likes all their fighting. Her name is Claire but she doesn’t care Any little bit about legends or myths because she thinks history is boring. Donna Walsh The Seaside When you go to the seaside Listen to all the noises that you hear and make, When you walk in the sand you make a Squish, squish, squish sound, When you walk on the stones you make a ..... Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch sound, And when you’re in the water you make a ..... Splash, splash, splash sound, When you’re at the seaside you make lots of noises. the seaside is good fun. Lisa Prendergast
The Pound There was once a wolf-hound Who had to go to the Pound He was given a bone But left alone Then he started to moan and groan. Stacey Ann Delaney The Seasons Spring time is here again, Squirrels, hedgehogs and badgers all wake up. Go Spring go. Come, Summer come, And let the children swim in the seas. Go, Summer go. Come Autumn, come, And blow the leaves off the trees. Go, Autumn, go. Winter is here again, And freezes all the puddles, Bringing a white sheet of snow But after all that he gives us Something nice which is Christmas Denise Heffernan
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