Many different kinds of trees grow in lreland. Some of them lose their leaves in winter. They are called deciduous trees. They are oak, ash , sycamore, beech and hazel. Other trees do not lose their leaves in autumn. They are evergreen. Some such trees are pines ,firs and spruce. Cones grow on these trees so they are called coniferous. However, there is one tree in lreland which is both deciduous and coniferous. The larch bears cones and also loses its leaves in autumn.
To Do Choose a deciduous tree in the school grounds What is the name of the tree? ______________________________ In autumn, you can observe the leaves and fruits. In winter you can observe the bark, twigs and buds. In spring/early summer you can observe new leaves and flowers. These may be in the form of catkins depending on the species. CONIFERS These are very common in cold countries where there is a lot of snow in winter. The trees are shaped like the sitka spruce above so that a heavy fall of snow does not break the branches. Name a country in Northern Europe with a cold climate where these trees grow. _______________ Choose a coniferous tree in the school grounds. What is the name of that tree? _______________________
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