Although only a few were in service when World War II started,the Panzer IV became the workhorse of the Panzer Divisions.Conceived by General Guderian himself as a heavy support tank for Panzer III units,the Panzer IV was slow to come into production,but when it did appear it soon revealed its fine balance of firepower,mobility and protection.
The first Panzer Ivs had a short 7.5 cm(2.96 in) main gun and a five-man crew,all provided with an intercom system,an innovation at the period.Later models,from the Ausf F onwards sported a long 7.5 cm gun.Extra armour was added and innumerable design modifications were introduced over the years Panzer IV production did not cease until 1945.It also provided the basis for many other combat vehicles,including the Jagdpanzer IV,the Nashorn and Hummel self-propelled guns on a lengthened Panzer IV chassis with 8.8 cm(3.47 in)anti-tank gun and 15 cm(5.91 in) howitzer respectively.The Stug IV was essentially a Stug III superstructure on a Panzer IV chassis.Air defence tanks(Flakpanzer) mounted quadruple 2 cm(0.79 in)or single 3.7 cm(1.46 in)guns in turrets or on open platforms.In addition there were Panzer IV command tanks,submersible tanks,artillery observation vehicles and bridging vehicles.