3R Productions Ltd

Past Tapes

E-mail: 3rproductions@tinet.ie

Tape Date: 1st April 1998

With Easter just around the corner we have items on Holy Week, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Many people will remember the poem and song 'All in an April Evening', and Frank O'Dowd talks to us about the poem and poet Kathryn Tynan.

Side 1

1. Crossways: News in the Church and the World. Our main report this week covers the apology issued by the Christian Brothers for abuse and ill-treatment suffered by children in their care. We hear from Br. Kevin Mullan, Provincial of St. Mary's Province of the Christian Brothers. The freephone number for the Republic of Ireland is 1800 331234, for Northern Ireland it's 0800 973272. The freepost address for the Republic is Irish Christian Brothers, P.O Box 6245, FREEPOST, Dublin 7, in Northern Ireland it's Irish Christian Brothers, FREEPOST, Dept. IE 8018, P.O. Box 788, Belfast, BT1 1XX. The news was read by Alan McGuckian, SJ, and Elaine Comerford.

Time: 5.12

2. Thoughts on Holy Week: In this piece Fr John McCullagh of the National Liturgy Centre, Maynooth talks to Marie Stuart, RSM, about Holy Week. He remembers his parents and the suffering in their lives and challenges us as to whether we are the ones inflicting pain or taking a stand against it.

In: (Stuart) "What does Holy Week ...........around the cross" Out: (McCullagh)

Time: 6.14

3. Holy Week, The Ceremonies: We have a lot of ceremonies and rituals during Holy Week. John McCullagh talked to Marie Stuart, RSM, about the washing of feet, the meaning of Eucharist and the Light of the risen Christ hidden from the world by our selfishness. John is from Derry Diocese and a member of staff of the National Liturgy Centre at Maynooth.

In: (Stuart) "We have a lot ............... the side of the road" Out: (McCullagh)

Time: 6.10

 4. Holy Thursday: Brian was thirty-two when he made his First Holy Communion. John McCullagh told Marie Stuart, RSM, Brian's story. He went on to talk about Holy Thursday and how we might be more aware of what happens on Holy Thursday and at every Mass.

In: (Stuart) "What does Holy ................. into the meaning of it." Out: (McCullagh)

Time: 5.52

5. Good Friday Reflection: Mary O'Broin reflects on gardening, Good Friday and daily life. Mary is a theology student at Milltown Institute, Dublin.

In: (O'Broin) "Jesus is like a .............. the Holy Spirit. Amen." Out: (O'Broin)

Time: 2.06

6. Walking to the Cross: Sister Helen Prejean is known the world over as a campaigner for the abolition of the death penalty. Her book Dead Man Walking became a highly successful film starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn. Walking with criminals like Patrick Sonnier, on the way to the death chamber, she began to reflect on Christ's journey to the Cross. Stemming from this, she shares a reflection for Holy Week.

In: (Prejean) "Holy Week: Remembering..........violence never can." Out: (Prejean)

Time: 4.04

Side 2

1. The Meaning of Easter: Fr. Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ, well known author and former English Professor in UCD, reflects on the meaning of Easter using some of his favourite poets.

In: (Gallagher) "How are we to ........in the Risen Christ." Out: (Gallagher)

Time: 3.01

2. All in an April Evening: The poem and song "All in an April Evening" will be remembered by many as being part of the school curriculum over the years. It is particularly relevant at this time of year because of the imagery in the peom of the crucifixion of Christ at Easter. Frand O'Dowd is a great admirer of the poet Kathryn Tynan and her work. Robbie Foy spoke to him.

In: (MUSIC) "What first................doubt about it." Out: (MUSIC)

Time: 6.59

3. Coming Down From The Cross: When Jesus was hanging on the cross and was being mocked, he chose not to use his power to come down from the cross. He resisted the temptation to dazzle and amaze the people around him. Archbishop Patrick Kelly of Liverpool believes that this is a strong example for Christians today. He told Martin Browne why.

In: (Browne) "Come down ... ..............ask serious questions." Out: (Kelly)

Time: 4.44

4. The Elephant and the Flea: A reflection on the world and our relationship with it. Miriam Therese McGillis is a Dominican Sister based at Genesis Farm, New Jersey, USA.

In: (McGillis) "One of the ways...........evolving on the inner plane." Out: (McGillis)

Time: 1.53

5. Easter Sunrise: The liturgy of Easter praises Christ as the light of the world and as the Morning Star. With this emphasis on Christ dispelling the darkness of sin and death it is natural that Christians should be especially inspired by the rising sun on Easter Day. Many people used to believe that the sun danced at dawn on Easter Day and many Christians still like to gather for worship as the sun rises on Easter Sunday morning. One place where such a gathering takes place is the summit of the Hill of Howth in County Dublin. The service is a united service involving members of the four main churches in the area. The Rector of Howth, Canon Cecil Hyland, told Martin Browne a bit about the celebration.

In: (Browne) "A sunrise celebration.......to start an unusual day." Out: (Hyland)

Time: 4.52

6. Progress and Polarisation: Despite record levels of economic growth the gap between the poor and the better off in Irish Society continues to widen. How can we address these issues? Is it a question of re-allocating resources or do we need a change of attitude? Recently a conference titled Progress and Polarisation looked at the development model we are following and it's consequences for our society. The conference was organised by CORI, the Conference of Religious of Ireland, and Marie Stuart, RSM, asked Fr Sean Healy what we would need to do to prevent further polarisation.

In: (Healy) "Well I think we'd have .......... really has full citizenship." Out: (Healy)

Time: 5.45

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