3R Productions Ltd

Past Tapes

E-mail: 3rproductions@tinet.ie

Tape Date: 4th September 1996

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your summer break. This weeks tape takes us to America, Argentina, Belarus and Turkenstein. We speak to Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ, and Br. Donal Blake about their new books, and poet Paddy McLoughlin shares some of his work with us.

Side One:

1. Crossways: News in the Church and the World. In our main report Archbishop Connell of Dublin gives his reaction to some aspects of the recent report by the Group set up to review the Constitution. He challenges their recommendations on the funding of hospitals with a religious ethos. The news was read this week by Liam Greene, SJ, and Elaine Comerford.

Time: 6.33

2. Argentina: Pat Rice is a native of Fermoy, Co. Cork. He joined the Divine Word Missionaries and went to work in Argentina in 1970. At that time Argentina was ruled by the military and there was enormous pressure for social change. Pat was kidnapped with a Catechist whom he subsequently married. He has three children and is now back living and working in Argentina. In this interview he talks to Marie Stuart, RSM, about the situation in Argentina when he first worked there. We have another interview to follow where he talks of his current work with an Ecumenical Group for Human Rights.

In: (Rice) "When I went to............coming to terms with that." Out: (Rice)
Time: 8.14

3. Coming Ashore: Paddy McLoughlin is a northern poet living and working in the Arts in the South of Ireland. He has been writing and reading poetry for many years. The pain and troubles associated with Ireland can be found throughout his phrases. The title poem of his published Anthology Coming Ashore celebrates the longing for peace that brought about the first ceasefires. The book will be available in book-shops from October. He told Lorcan Brennan how he started writing and shared a flavour of his work.

In: (Brennan)    "When did you start..........the snore of the ocean." Out: (McLoughlin)
Time: 5.38

4 Emigrant Advice:  Marie Keegan is the Youth Information Officer with Emigrant Advice, based in Dublin. Her office deals with all questions regarding young and not so young people travelling abroad. In an attempt to highlight the problems that can surround going abroad, Emigrant Advice recently launched a cassette of young Irish people telling some of their hard learned lessons from far off places. Liam Greene, SJ, spoke to Marie and asked her about Emigrant Advice. The cassette is titled Telling It As It Is!, and is available from Emigrant Advice, 1a Cathedral Street, Dublin 1. Price £5.00.

In: (Keegan) "Emigrant Advice is.................absolutely!." Out: (Keegan)
Time: 6.02

5. Church Music Competition: RTÉ Radio One is currently organising a competition for composers of church music. The competition seeks to find new music suitable for Mass or Sung Eucharist. The final of the competition will involve a live broadcast at the end of December. The consultant to the competition is Fr. Jerry Threadgold, Parish Priest of Bayside in Dublin. He explained some of the rules to Martin Browne. (If you are using this piece, it would be best to do so soon. The closing date is October 24th. Further information can be had by writing to: Church Music Competition, Features and Documentaries Department, Radio Centre, Donnybrook, Dublin 4)

In: (Threadgold)   "The texts are very specific........ready for that date." Out: (Threadgold)
Time: 2.03

Side Two:

1. Pact of Turkenstein: The Sisters of Saint Louis and the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion are both celebrating this year. Two hundred years ago, three people spent some time together thinking and praying in a town near Strasbourg called Turkenstein. They made a pact together which led, many years later, to the foundation of the St. Louis and Sion congregations. Sr. Anne Kavanagh is congregational leader of the Sisters of Saint Louis and she explained to Martin Browne why the sisters are celebrating.

In: (Browne) "Both the sisters of St. Louis......together in Christ." Out: (Kavanagh)
Time: 3.37

2. Questions of Faith: Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ, the author of numerous books on faith in the modern world has a new book Questions of Faith, launched this week by Veritas. In the book he answers many questions that a young person might ask today. He says that the Church has a duty to help people to make sense of their lives. Alan McGuckian, SJ, put it to him that many people find the Church more a hindrance than a help.

In: (Gallagher) "I admit in this book.................and will, always." Out: (Gallagher)
Time: 5.14

3. Edmund Rice: A Man for our Time: is the title of a biography of the life and times of Edmund Rice. Unlike some of the recent biographies about Edmund Rice, A Man for our Time is a short book, spanning just over 50 pages in all. Br. Donal Blake is the author and he spoke to Lorcan Brennan about Edmund Rice. Lorcan first asked him why had he written a short biography.

In: (Blake) "Well, that's a good question.................todays Irish world." Out: (Blake)
Time: 4.14

4. Small Christian Communities: Dolores Leckey is Executive Director of the Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. Dolores was in Ireland this Summer, giving a course in All Hallows College. She talked afterwards to Marie Stuart, RSM, about the role and importance of small Christian Communities in the Church today.

In: (Leckey) "One of the things we ......... energised for something more." Out: (Leckey)
Time: 5.03

5. Search for God: Ludmila Binko grew up in Belarus at a time when it was not safe to ask about or talk about God. She was in Ireland during the Summer as an interpreter with a group of Chernobyl children and she told Marie Stuart, RSM, the story of her search for God. She is a teacher of English and World Culture and a member of the Baptist Church and is married with two children.

In: (Binko) "First I heard about...............something without asking him!." Out: (Binko)
Time: 8.43


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