Three Seasons Written and directed by Tony Bui (1999).
Starring Don Duong, Nguyen Ngoc Hiep, Tran Manh Cuong, Zoe Bui, Huu Duoc and Harvey Keitel.

Three Seasons is a beautifully made film dealing with the lives of ordinary people in modern Vietnam, a country undergoing change with old traditions becomming increasingly influenced by Western lifestyles.
We meet Kien An, who is employed to aid a reclusive spiritual master suffering from leprosy, cyclo driver Hai who falls for a prostitute and enters a race to try to win enough money for one night with her and young street hustler Woody who meets with a former G.I. back in Vietnam looking for a daughter he's never met.
Through these varied characters the story of a country in transition is revealed, with touching performances from all the actors.
The film is superbly shot and contains many magical scenes, the music is sparse and haunting and I'm hoping that a DVD version will be released as the cinematography deserves more than VHS video can offer.

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