Richard is young and searching for adventure. He's tired of the usual treks and trips and is seeking something more, perhaps even something dangerous. Backpacking in Thailand he becomes the owner of a map, a secret map to a secret beach. He travels to this beach with a French couple where they discover a select community of travellers living in what seems like paradise.But all is not perfection on the Beach and Richard must learn to adapt to his new surroundings. Then it all starts to go wrong...
Based on the infinitely superior book of the same name, The Beach is nevertheless a well made, well acted (especially Tilda Swinton) and well shot piece of escapism. The film could have done with more action and less romance, as in the book, but I suspect these changes were made to intice the hoardes of Leonardo DiCaprio fans around the world to see their hero in several steamy encounters. If you liked the film you'll love the book...