Well, where do I start on this one?, my favourite film. A superbly written script, bursting with
memorable one-liners, desperate disparate characters and Richard E. Grant's first and to-date
best performance. The year is 1969 and "the greatest decade in the history of mankind is over,
man". Two 'resting' actors played by Richard E.Grant (Withnail) and Paul McGann (I, actually
called Marwood but never mentioned in the film) are depressed and stressed out with their less
than blossoming acting careers and decide they need to get away from London for a break, to
"rejuvenate" in the countryside. They manage to wrangle the keys to a delapidated cottage in
Penrith from Withnail's eccentric uncle Monty who has a crush on Marwood and who follows them
up and 'surprises' them on their holiday. Various other incidents, apart from the amourous
Monty, terrorise the hapless two including the local poacher, unreceptive townsfolk and a rather
large bull! After the lads beat a hasty retreat back to London more madness prevails as it
becomes increasingly clear that "we can't go on like this, I'm a trained actor reduced to
the status of a bum" and decisions about the future must be made... The best script ever, the
most quotable lines ever, great performances from everyone, if you don't believe me,
check out the screenplay.