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3.                 INTRODUCTION TO PLAN:


The following is the Strategic Plan for the Bishopstown Adult Literacy Scheme.





Our area would include west of Sarsfield Road, all of Bishopstown, Model Farm Road and western side of Wilton Road.  It would not be termed a disadvantgage area but there would be particular areas (2) which we would consider Target Groups.





Our past activities have and still are tuition on a 1-1 basis.  We also provide family literacy at the Youth Centre, Murphys Farm.

75% of our learners have progressed to further education: i.e. Junior Certificate,  Computer courses, Beautician Course, and more have gone on to F.A.S. courses.





6.1     Each year the Representative Group will help the Literacy Organiser to find new ways of increasing the level of learners in the Scheme.  This could mean advertising on local radio, flyers, posters, and word of mouth from each member of the Representative Group.




6.2.    Our quantitative target is 30. This may seem small but with learners moving on each year it means that we nearly always have to look for 20 new learners each September.



6.3.    Initial contact is made with the Organiser and learner.

Learner Assessment takes place between organiser/tutor.

          Organiser oversees tutor/learner are compatible.

1-1   basis or family literacy class.

Organiser and tutor guide each learner to progress to other courses.

          N.A.L.A. courses for tutors and in-service are used for tutor support.

6.4.    It is hoped that some of the tutors will avail of the WIT Literacy

Development Course which will be available to them in Cork.


6.5.    Our links with new Network an area, i.e. Home School Liaison Teachers, Bishopstown Community School,  Garda Siochana, Youth Centre,  Family Centre,  St.Vincent de Paul. A.O.S.T.A. Travellers. 



6.6.    Our planned local outreach would be promoting literacy in the Youth Centre, Murphys Farm and the Family Centre, Murphys Farm.

F.A.S. in our area is also aware of the Scheme and has in fact referred some people to us.


 6.7.    Through our new Network in the area, (which includes: Bishopstown Community School, Garda Siochana, Youth Centre, Family Centre, A.O.S.T.A. Travellers, St.Vincent de Paul, Adult Literacy Organiser, Family Literacy Tutor, Home/School Liaison Teachers), we work together as a team.  At this moment in time, we are helping the Bishopstown Community School in promoting Adult Education.

This Community School is running 2 courses for Computers and Communications. 



Staff Training and Development

The building of staff is getting harder each year because people are not willing to become volunteers. People, who were willing to give of their time before are now in the workforce, therefore, they have not time. However, at present, we are looking at ways to encourage people to become Tutors and hopefully they will avail of the W.I.T. accredited course.  At present we feel our Tutors get good support from the N.A.L.A. non-accreditated courses. 




7.                 SCHEME SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES:             


(Principal Bishopstown Community: Home/School Liaison Teacher: President of St.Vincent de Paul: Bishopstown Youth Centre: Bishopstown Community Garda: Curraheen Family Centre: Family Literacy Tutor: Literacy Organiser).



8.       MONITORING THE PLAN or Performance Indicators:


More advertising to increase new Learners.

          Encourage tutors to attend WIT Development Course.

Increase more groups to join our Representative Group.

          Concentrate on further outreach locations.

Encourage Learners past and present to avail of courses, which will be run in the Adult Ed. Dept. Bishopstown Community School.





Funding will be applied for according to our needs, but at this point we could not project.




Bishopstown Adult Literacy Scheme is based at Bishopstown Community School.   We work there Monday to Friday, 7.30.p.m. to 9.00.p.m. We also run Family Literacy during the mornings in the Youth Centre, Murphys Farm.  Since the Scheme was started in 1994, the number of learners has increased steadily each year.




This plan will give an idea what we are hoping to achieve in the next five years.



Number of Literacy Clients as at 31st December 2001


16 people are being tutored on a 1-1 basis and 10 people are in the Family Learning Group.


At the end of June/July I reckon 8, who have been tutored on a 1-1 basis, will be leaving the Scheme.

Of the 8 leaving I am very hopeful that each one of them will continue in further education.



The 10 people attending the Family Learning Group will continue, as they are Mothers of children in Junior Infants in our local school. 

We are very hopeful that this number will increase, especially as we have a Mother and child library going. 

These books, which we have in the library, are easy and early learning material.  The Mothers read them at the Group meeting and then take them home and read them to their children.  We are using this method to attract Mothers to read, then read to their children, therefore preventing these children from having a problem with reading.





Bishopstown A.L.Scheme.
