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December, 2002

Home School Community Liaison.hscl

The aim of the Home School Community liaison Co-ordinators is to develop close co-operation between parents and teachers, in order to enhance the nurturing of the student. This requires encouraging parents to grow in self-confidence, self esteem and to discover their own talents and strengths.

The Co-ordinators attempt to meet these needs by setting up a variety of suitable morning and day courses, with assistance form the Adult Education Service of the Cork City VEC/Adult Education Board, the Cork City partnership, the Department of Education and Science and the Social Welfare Department.

The quality of knowledge experience and skills acquire through these courses impacts favourably on the families'   interpersonal relationships and on society at large. These courses may mean an end to isolation and exclusion and a new beginning. Parents discover themselves becoming agents of change and role models within the community.

The following courses are available

bulletPersonal Development: Teen parenting-know you child, Home management, Family Communication,
bulletLanguages: Basic English, French, Irish
bulletHealth: First Aid, Drug Awareness
bulletComputer: Computer Studies,
bulletCraft: D.I.Y, Flower Arranging, Dressmaking, Upholstery, Machine Knitting, Photography,
bulletLeisure: Set Dancing


Please contact the the Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator in your neighbourhood school for more information.
  1. Knocknaheeny    MacSwiney Community College. Knocknaheeny. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4397740
  2. Knocknaheeny    St.Marys on the Hill National.Primary School. Knocknaheeny. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4392507
  3. Churchfield           Scoil Padre Pio, Primary School .Churchfield Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4302045
  4. Farranree               North Presentation.gss Girls Secondary School Farranree. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4303330
  5. Farranree               Scoil Aiseiri Chriost.gps.Girls Primary School. Farranree.Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4301383
  6. Farranree               Scoil Iosagain.bps.Boys Primary School. Farranree.Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4395264
  7. Shandon                Nth Presentaion Primary School .Gerard Griffin Street. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4307132- 4398416
  8. Shandon                St.Vincent’s GSS Secondary School. St.Mary’s Road. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4307730
    email vincents@iol.ie
  9. Shandon                North Monastery BSS  Our Lady's Mount. Cork.tel.gif (2905 bytes)4301318
  10. Glen                        St.Brendans Girl’s Primary School. The Glen. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4504877-4506225
  11. Mayfield                Scoil Naomh Eoin Aspal, Old Youghal Road. Mayfield. Cork .tel.gif (2905 bytes)4505250-4505716   email scoileoinaspal.ias@eircom.net
  12. Mayfield                Scoil Mhuire Banrion, Lotabeg Mayfield Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)4503526
  13. Mayfield                Mayfield Community School tel.gif (2905 bytes)4506855
  14. Deerpark                Deerpark CBS. St.Patrick’s Road. Cork. tel.gif (2905 bytes)4962025
  15. Ballyphehane        Presentation Secondary School. Ballyphehane. tel.gif (2905 bytes)4961765
  16. Ballyphehane        Gaelscoil An Teaghlaigh Naofa.Tory Top Road. Ballyphehane.tel.gif (2905 bytes)4311473
  17. Ballyphehane        Maria Assumpta. GPS. Pearse Road. Ballyphehane.tel.gif (2905 bytes)4316355-4961820
  18. Ballyphehane        Morning Star PS. Connolly road. Ballyphehane. Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)4962696
  19. Deerpark                CBS Secondary School. Deerparktel.gif (2905 bytes)4962025
  20. Greenmount          Greenmount NS. tel.gif (2905 bytes)4966242 email greenmt@iol.ie  web  http://homepage.eircom.net/~greenmount
  21. Blackrock:              Scoil Ursula Blackrock .Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)4357852
  22. Blackrock:              Ursuline Secondary School. Blackrock. Corktel.gif (2905 bytes)4358012
  23. Mahon:                  School of the Holy Cross. Mahon. Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)4357852
  24. Mahon:                  Nagle Community College Mahon. Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)4358633

GSS Girls Secondary School.    BSS Boys Secondary School.
GPS  Girls Primary School.        PS    Primary School
 CC  Community College             NS    National School
PS    Primary School