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September, 2002

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University College Cork...ucc

The Centre for Adult & Continuing Education,  

Dr. Mairtin O Fathaigh, Director, e-mail m.ofathaigh@ucc.ie
tel.gif (2905 bytes)+353 21 902640 /  902301 / 902302 / 902902     Fax.+353 21 276619    Email:ace@ucc.ie

please contact us for a detailed brochure and an update on courses this year.

.COURSES * Certification

Adult Education Certificate Courses

are normally one year, part-time and held one evening per week. There are no formal educational entry requirements, but participants are expected to have an involvement or a strong interest in the relevant areas. Selection to the course may operate on a first come, first served basis.

There are a variety of evaluation/assessment procedures, namely: attendance of at least two-thirds of the class; active class participation; continuous assessment at the end of each module and an end-of-year examination.


Community Development

Daycare Services for Children

Housing Estate Management - Local Authority

Irish Archaeology


Non-Formal Guidance



Adult Education Diploma courses

are normally two year, part-time and held one evening per week. There are no formal education entry requirements, but entry to the Diploma year is dependent upon the successful completion of the appropriate Certificate year. However, with regard to stand alone Diplomas participants are expected to have an involvement or a strong interest in the relevant areas. Selection to the course may operate on a first come, first served basis.

There is a variety of evaluation/assessment procedures, namely: attendance of at least two-thirds of the class; active class participation; continuous assessment at the end of each module, projects, practical work/presentation & demonstration prepared by members (where appropriate), end-of-year examination and a journal of learning (where relevant).

Continuing Education Diploma Courses

are of two years' duration. Normally applicants will be required to: have satisfied matriculation registration requirements of the N.U.I. and be over 21 years of age at the time of enrollment or be at least 23 years of age at the time of enrollment with a minimum of two yearís experience in the relevant areas.

 Evaluation of learning will take the form of a combination of continuous assessment and examinations using projects, essays, multiple choice questions, and assignments as appropriate to the needs of each of the courses studied.

Art History

Business Management (Beyond 2000)

Community Education

Corporate Direction

Credit Union Studies (Distance Learning)

Development Studies

Disability Equality Training

Employee Welfare

Environment Science & Social Policy

Field Ecology (Distance Learning)

Fieldwork Practice

Food Science & Technology

Geographical Information Systems


Health & Community Aspects of Ageing

Local & Regional Studies

Management Practice (Consumer Foods)

Personnel Management

Professional Studies (Managing Diversity)

Safety, Health & Welfare at Work

Social Integration & Enterprise for Community

Development Workers (Distance Learning)

Social Studies

Training & Development

Women in the Community

Women’s Studies

Youth and Community Work


Degree Programmes

Bachelor of Arts (Distance Learning)

Evening B.A. Degree - Outreach Programme

History (Cahir, Co. Tipperary)

Geography (Skibbereen, Co. Cork)

Sociology (College of Commerce, Cork)

Greek & Roman Civilisation (Fermoy, Co. Cork)

Archaeology Bridging Course (U.C.C.)

 .COURSES * Interest Category

Arts. Arts(Distance Education) BA/Diploma

Artistic Studies Art History Diploma

Archaeological Studies Irish Archaeology Certificate

Disability Studies Disability Equality Training Certificate  Disability Equality Training(Training the Trainers) Diploma

Musical Studies Music Certificate

Training Training and Development Diploma

Womens Studies Women in the Community Certificate/Diploma Women's Studies Certificate/Diploma

Youth Studies Youth and Community Work Certificate/Diploma/Degree


Social, Community Studies

Social and Community Studies Diploma

Social Integration and Enterprise for Community Development Workers(Distance Education)

Social Studies Certificate/Diploma

Health and Community Aspects of Ageing Diploma

Community Development Certificate

Daycare Services for Children Certificate

    Non-Formal Guidance Certificate


Environmental & Geographical Studies

B.Sc(Environmental Science) Degree

Environmental Science & Social Policy Diploma

Food Science and Technology Certificate/Diploma

Field Ecology(Distance Learning) Certificate/Diploma

Fieldwork Practice Diploma

Geographical Information Systems Diploma

Geology Diploma

Development Studies Certificate

 Local and Regional Studies Certificate/Diploma


Business and Management Studies

Business Management Diploma

Credit Union Studies(Distance Learning) Diploma

Corporate Direction Diploma

Employee Welfare Diploma

Management Practice Diploma

Personnel Management Diploma

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Diploma


SummerCampus.gif (36297 bytes). for an update on courses for this year please telephone 021.902912

Irish Humour, Theatre and Literature Studies, Emigration, Economics, Guidance & Counselling, Credit Unions, English, Celtic Civilisation.


.list of courses

  1. Art History Diploma
  2. Arts(Distance Education) BA/Diploma
  3. B.Sc(Environmental Science) Degree
  4. Business Management Diploma
  5. Community Development Certificate
  6. Credit Union Studies(Distance Learning) Diploma
  7. Corporate Direction Diploma
  8. Daycare Services for Children Certificate
  9. Development Studies Certificate
  10. Disability Equality Training Certificate
  11. Disability Equality Training(Training the Trainers) Diploma
  12. Employee Welfare Diploma
  13. Environmental Science & Social Policy Diploma
  14. Food Science and Technology Certificate/Diploma
  15. Field Ecology(Distance Learning) Certificate/Diploma
  16. Fieldwork Practice Diploma
  17. Geographical Information Systems Diploma
  18. Geology Diploma
  19. Health and Community Aspects of Ageing Diploma
  20. Irish Archaeology Certificate
  21.  Local and Regional Studies Certificate/Diploma
  22. Management Practice Diploma
  23. Music Certificate
  24. Non-Formal Guidance Certificate
  25. Personnel Management Diploma
  26. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Diploma
  27. Social and Community Studies Diploma
  28. Social Integration and Enterprise for Community Development Workers(Distance Education)
  29. Social Studies Certificate/Diploma
  30. Training and Development Diploma
  31. Women in the Community Certificate/Diploma
  32. Women's Studies Certificate/Diploma
  33. Youth and Community Work Certificate/Diploma/Degree


Professor Máirtín Ó Fathaigh, Director, Centre for Adult Continuing Education, U.C.C. 021/902300

Mr. Denis Staunton, Assistant Director, Centre for Adult Continuing Education, U.C.C. 021/902631

Mr. Pat Murphy, Administrative Assistant, Centre for Adult Continuing Education, U.C.C. 021/902630

Mr. Donal Coughlan, Programme Manager (Continuing Education), Centre for Adult Continuing Education, U.C.C. 021/902082

Ms. Hannah Weste-Fitzpatrick, Programme Coordinator (Adult Education), Centre for Adult Continuing Education, U.C.C. 021/902969

Mr. Donal Counihan, Director of Summer Schools, Adult Continuing Education, U.C.C. 021/902912



Professor Máirtín Ó Fathaigh. Training guidelines on occupational safety and health. Technical report, National Authority for Occupational Safety and Health, Dublin, 1992.

Professor Máirtín Ó Fathaigh. Learning Irish in Second Level Schools - Attitudes, Motivation and Achievement. Comhair Na Múinteoirí Gaeilge, Dublin, 1992. ISBN 0-946781-99-1 A.

Professor Máirtín Ó Fathaigh, Mr. Denis Staunton, Ms. Angela Russell. Adult as Learners: Study Skills and Learning Strategies. The Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork, 1994. ISBN 1-898721-08-4

Ms. Catherine Forde. Making Education work on Cork’s Northside: a strategy statement. Northside Education Initiative, Cork, 1996.

Mr. Denis Staunton and Ms. Joan McCarthy. Social Policy; Youth & Community Work; Social Philosophy course readers. The Course Reader Series. The Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork. ISBN: 1-898721-11-4;

1-898721-10-6; 1-898721-12-2.

 Professor Máirtín Ó Fathaigh. The Role of a University in the Promotion of Social Inclusion: Partnership and Empowerment. In 14th European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) European Conference, Dublin. pages 1-14, Belfast, 1997. EUCEN: http://www.shsj.ulst.ac.uk/educ1/eucen

Etc. ………….