Information is one of the keys to success. It 'is most important to have all your customer details on file and an easy information retrieval system to record and schedule the work. Many different systems exist over a wide price range that provide such a facility ie index files, Cardex system, computer etc. The type that suits your pocket and ability is the one to go for, but in the long term the computer (P.C.) is the best option as it will permit quick access to customer andrepair information. All information must be available on your customer and the car -address, home/work /mobile phone nos. etc., the vehicles year, make, model, engine size/ no., fuel type, chassis no., colour etc., repair/ servicing details, parts fitted, mileage etc., next service date, mileage and likely repairs.

Used in conjunction with a simple wall planner this data base will help you and your customers to plan an efficient maintenance schedule. There is nothing new in any of this. The dealers have been at it for years, sending reminders to customers when servicing is due, calling them in during periods of low workshop activity using simple seasonal ideas as incentives to bring in new custom etc. The buzz word is to be 'proactive' as against 'reactive'. Proactive means going out and grabbing the business while reactive means waiting for it to drop into your lap. The competitive pressures already referred to make the reactive route a recipe for stagnation and potential decay while the proactive course means progress and the prospects of an exciting and profitable future.


This is really divided into 2 sections i.e. your equipment and your building.

Equipment for pretesting

In order to give some idea in what is needed in this vital area , the following is a list of, and approximate price ranges for the principal garage equipment required:

Portable electronic multimeter gas analyser (petrol) £75-200

Gas Analyser: £1600- £3500.

Diesel smoke analyser: £1300- £3500.

Beam setter: £700- £1200

Brake tester:£6000- £7,000

Decoder kit:£1000- £1500.

Some of the price variations depend on whether the equipment is new or reconditioned and which brand is used as there is some functional overlap between the products used. Most of the equipment is modular in that one piece may be bought at a time and as more is added so it builds into a combined and centrally controlled unit . The government Dept. of the Environment is operating the national car test scheme (through S.G.5 Ltd) and so the environment and the control of engine emissions figure high in the test.\ There -fore it is important to have the exhaust gas analyser. Similarly the decoder is essential to gain access to the engine management system otherwise the faults shown will not be repairable. Some of the companies specialising in this pre testing equipment are shown at the end of the article. Diagnostic information updates, modern engine problem solving and training courses are also provided by a number of these firms.


You should examine your facility objectively by putting yourself in your customers shoes, remembering his changing expectations and rising standards, and ask yourself . Does it look clean and efficient? Does it seem like a place that is capable of providing a good repair? Does it feel customer friendly? Does it inspire confidence? What information is displayed for the customers benefit indicating who is qualified and the quality of the repair parts being used? First impressions mean a lot - cross check these suggestions with other sources - ask your customers opinions. Don't forget it's much easier to hold onto him rather than having to go and get him back from a competitor.

Finally , we are listing some of the equipment Suppliers available..

Maha . Ilr. Ltd.Tel./ 01/4587548

E.Fox (Eng) Ltd. Tel./01/4542855

George Nolan Ltd.Tel/01456986

Robert Keith.Tel/049/4362877

Harold Eng. Ltd. Tel/01/4971039

Top Part:( Kingdom Motor Factors) Tel/066/22116.





Next month, in part three we will be telling you how to prepare your customer. Part four will deal with ensuring your customer can afford pre-testing. In part five, we will tell you how to secure your share of the pretest repairs. Finally, in part six, we will be dealing with how to keep the customer coming back.






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