Ballinamere N.S.  





Once upon a time there lived a family of three, Dad, Mum and Paul (me). They lived happily in Galway. Paul went to a school called "Computer Mania" where he learned a lot about computers. He even hoped to work with them some day too. Dad was a "Business salesman" and Mum just did dishes at home, mind you she was very good at it too. One day Mum and Dad decided to buy a new car, as the old one they had got off a guy you wouldn’t know, but his name was Larry Fleming. He had given them a 46-D-1 and it was in a terrible condition. He had given it to them because he was heart broken when his "granny" died for the two thousand time! … where was I….. oh yes ….. So we started off to a place in the city called "Galway Motors".

When we got there I was really surprised to find that it had turned from a grubby old shed into a really new swanky car garage! They had even changed the name from "Galway Motors" to "Galway Best". When we went inside we saw hundreds of people driving away in brand new cars. I could see Dad’s eyes open wide as he glanced at the latest model…. A Peugeot 606.5 GLX super, intercooler turbo. He almost flew over to the car, opened up the bonnet lid and flung himself on the engine with happiness. The salesman who was a tall, well-built man had to drag Dad away from the car and into the office. There he asked some questions and then said – "alright I’ll make you an offer, how about …… 2 million." Dad said, "1.5 million and the salesman then said, "it’s a deal". Dad hopped into the car and drove it straight off the viewing stand. After we had driven 1/3 of the journey the car "gave in" so Dad pulled in on a siding and started crying. When Mum had calmed him down he went out and checked the engine. He found a red switch after a bit of looking which he switched and suddenly the engine roared into life again. He immediately hopped back into the car and pulled back out onto the road.

We were on the road when the exhaust spluttered, then it roared into life at a supersonic speed. In 3 minutes flat we were home and our jaws looked like the guys in the "Heineken" ad. on T.V. after coming down from the rollercoaster. !

Dad took out the hose and started washing the car straight away. Mum had washing to do too. The next day, after Dad’s work, he came to collect me. A police car had stopped him because he was speeding. When he arrived, I got in and off we drove again. We had got ¼ of the way home when a huge lorry pulled out in front of us. Daddy swerved and we crashed straight into a wall.

All I remember after that is waking up in a hospital bed feeling paralysed… and then … I woke up from the dream I was having… whew! … What a relief!!????



