Ballinamere N.S.

When I Grow Up

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 I have many goals in life. To achieve these goals I need money. I want money. That is why when I grow up I want to be a millionaire! This may sound a little far-fetched but I have a great need to fulfil my dreams. You could say I'm a bit of a dreamer. I suppose I am but everyone has a right to a dream. You see on my Confirmation day my aunt, (Mrs. Katholinia Brown-Thomas) gave me a prize bond and said that when it matured, in the year 2008 it would be worth twenty-five million pounds, or Euros!!!!

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When I am a millionaire I will not squander my money on worthless things such as having my name written on a grain of rice or any other foolish purchase. First I will buy a new set of clothes. Designer labels only, Scweedie. Obviously I will open my own chain of health farms called 'Tara's Heavenly Haven '. Then I will buy the most overly priced Faberge egg from Tiffany's. Of course by then I would be their best customer. Then I will buy the 'Cadbury's ' company and make sure they name a bar of chocolate after me. What's that I hear you say? I'll be as plump as a gooseberry if I eat them. No way! I'd be so rich I'd have 'Wolf' the gladiator as my personal trainer.

Having lots of money is not all about buying. It's about giving too. So I plan to spend quite a bit on helping people, especially those in third world countries. I hope to set up a charity called 'The Here Foundation ' (Helping Education Reach Everyone). My aim is to make every town in the Third World countries have a clean water supply. Every town will have at least one water pump. A proper education is vital so my biggest aim is to have two schools in each town, primary and secondary. The pupils will stay in school until they are eighteen. Then they are ready to join the work force. Health is very important too so vaccinations for children and adults alike will be available. There will be a clinic in each town with a fully equipped surgery. I just love working for charity. I am certain that within a few years every child will be able to experience the happiness, health and education that I have had in Ballinamere National School. I feel that it is my duty as a millionaire that every child has a present to open on Christmas morning.

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Of course I'll be on television. I'll have my own chat show. Move over Oprah! I'd interview all of the important people. The likes of the Spice Girls need not be awaiting a letter from me. I'd love to interview all the presidents of the world. Then they would all come back to my French chateau. Being the person I am I will give all the proceedings to charity.

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Finally I will buy a ticket to Nepal and climb Mount Everest. Maybe I will meet a 'Yeti', and he'll be on my chat show. I can hear you all saying,

' Millionaires don't do that!'

Oh! I see! Well how am I supposed to know what a millionaire does?? I'm only eleven!!


