Ballinamere N.S.

A Piece of my Heart


A cold September morn

A sharp wind blew by,

A warning sign perhaps,

That soon I would lose a piece of my heart.


Mum talked with a voice of sadness,

Telling us to be ready for the worst,

But nothing could prepare me,

For losing a piece of my heart.


It was nearly 6 o` clock in the evening,

When the shrill of the phone came,

Bringing us news of sadness,

And took a piece of my heart.


Talk of disbelief came first,

Soon followed with tears of sadness,

I felt a grudge against you,

For taking a piece of my heart.


Soon my grudge disappeared, when I realised

That you released him from the pain,

You took a special person,

Therefore a precious piece of my heart.


The days that followed, I grieved,

For that special person, now gone,

Now an angel, our Guardian Angel,

Who will always have a place in my heart,


Two years have passed slowly,

Since I lost the piece of my heart,

A dark hole, still there, missing you,

One day we`ll meet again and the dark hole will be filled again.

By Sinead B.


