Ballinamere N.S.  



Two years ago my friend Deirdre had a slumber party. Tara, Laura, Orla, Terri and I were all invited. When we first arrived we just watched a video and had a bit of a party, but later the fun really started to begin. At about one' o clock that night we made sure everyone in the family was asleep before putting on hats, gloves, scarves and grabbing a torch each. All of us wore jeans and black tops because at the time we thought it looked cool. We all split up into two groups.Deirdre,Laura and I were together.

I don't know about the other group but our group (group A) went to the graveyard beside Arden vale. About an hour later we came across a little baby girl lying under a bush crying. She had a pink dress on and blonde curls. If we left her there she would surely die; I picked her up while the others looked for her mother or father. They had no such luck. We ended up bringing her back to the house.

  The other group was already there and when we showed them the baby they wanted nothing to do with her. They said that we had 'made our bed, we could lie in it.' It was up to the three of us. We had to keep the baby alive, but we couldn't tell anyone. It was our little secret. Deirdre went out and got a bottle and some milk while Laura and I tried to pacify the baby. Eventually Deirdre came back with an old bottle of hers with warm milk in it. We fed the baby and we decided to call her Louise. She drank every sip of it and then she fell asleep. I wrapped her in my sleeping bag while I slept on the couch. .

The next morning we were woken by the cries of Louise . Laura picked her up and I made her some warm milk. The rest of us would be going home that day and Deirdre would be left to cope on her own, so we decided that Laura and I would stay another night.

We minded the baby as if she were our own until that night we heard an announcement on the radio,' Small baby missing, about one year old and wearing a pink frilly dress and blond curls''.It fitted the exact description of Louise . She was supposed to have crawled out of the house when her mother wasn't looking! !It was only then that we realised we were kidnappers!

We brought the baby to the police and explained the story.They told us that we were very good to mind her ,but we should have told someone.We said sorry and they promised they wouldn't tell anyone we were the kidnappers as we caused the baby no harm.

I miss the baby now but I think I'll wait to have one of my own before I'll try raising one again!!





