Ballinamere N.S.

Lost in the Forest

Oh hello we have just arrived back from our terrible experience. See in school there was a hike. Five were allowed go. We were chosen by lot. Mary, John, Paul, Kate and me, Holly thought it would be great but it wasn't.

Our hike began at six in the morning. We were on our own. We would be fine once we remembered our training. We had to reach our destination by Friday. Each day a person had to the responsibility of being navigator. I never realised the @Black Forest. . Had so many MOUNTAINS, STREAMS AND LAKES. It was amazing.

The day first went fine. We seemed to be getting on alright. We had to get across a flowing stream. I got drenched. At seven o' clock we decided to set up our tents. That night we all wrote in our journals, about the day.

Day two we woke up at eight in the morning. PAUL and JOHN said that they would light a fire. We took out our sausages and beans, and put them on the to cook. When we were finished eating we rolled up our sleeping bags and put them into our rucksacks. .

Kate volunteered to be navigator for the day. I handed her the map and she took the lead .At about one o clock we decided to stop for dinner. We had snails and fish. I went up to Kate to see if she needed help with the map reading. I asked her where we were. To my amazement we were totally off course. We decided that if we cut out some of the breaks, that maybe we would reach our destination on time. The next two days were a hard struggle for us. We went from boulder to boulder to get across a lake. Then John slipped and sprained his ankle. It was very difficult from then on but somehow we reached our destination on time.

A few days on we given a medal for bravery and for outstanding team work.

Written by Sinead F.


