Ballinamere N.S

A broken Heart


It was the 5th of may 1998.Ursula, Brendan, David & Brian were looking forward to their holidays. But first the boys needed some new summer clothes.

On the morning of May 5th Ursula left David with a child minder while herself & Brian headed off into Dingle to do some shopping for the holidays. Little did she know of the sadness that was to come.

While Ursula was shopping a freak accident happened back at the child minders resulted in the death of her 3 year old son David. Another mother collected her 6 year old son & put him in the car while she chatted to the child minder. The 6 year old turned the key in the ignition. The car started up & jumped forward. It struck David & knocked him down. the adults tried to save him but sadly he died. Ursula returned home from shopping to this terrible news.

David`s parents Ursula & Brendan & his brother Brian & all his relations & friends were HEART BROKEN

A few months later David`s Grandad died also.It was double Heart Break.

By Sarah



