Ballinamere N.S.

Visit to the nursing home

At Christmas 5th class and 6th class visited two nursing homes. Before we started to sing Miss Killeen gave us red Santa hats. We got in our positions. The harmony girls were in the front row. Some children were playing percussion instruments. After we shuck hands with the old people and said hello and happy Christmas. We also sang at the school pantomime. We sang carols on both of the nights. Miss Killeen played her keyboard and Miss Murphy (our teacher) helped out with the singing. Miss Killeen brought to of her friends to play music with her at the pantomime. We had great fun and the audience enjoyed our performance. We had great fun decorating the letters for the Christmas alphabet song. We put coloured paper on black paper and put cotton wool on the letters and dots of white paint to look like snow falling from the sky. We used them in the pantomime and the nursing homes.


By Eimear and Natalie
