Computer Projects 2000
This year 5th class wrote to a school in Melbourne Australia. Each one of us got an e-pal to write to. We told them about some of the Irish sports in Ireland such as hurling, camoige and gaelic football but unfortunately they are on their summer holidays now. Also 6th class e-mailed to Mucklagh school. They each got an e-pal aswell.
This year our favorite game is "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago". Carmen Sandiago is a detective. It is a geography game and the aim of it is to catch criminals.
At Christmas our school sent E-cards to schools around the area and we got E-cards from most of those schools. At break time one by one each of us drew a picture on paint and saved it on the desktop. For our screen saver we used the scrolling marquee and typed questions that the class has to answer them. We tried to get different and harder questions that no one could answer.
This year 5th class updated our school website, it was great fun. We worked in pairs and took a topic each. Everyone had something to do. We all enjoyed it very much
6th class started a school newspaper. It is called ''You've heard it first''. It is great fun with its crosswords, competitions, puzzles, birthday requests and home for pet animals.
By Ciara and Chloe.