Ballinamere N.S.

I will never forget.

I will never forget the day I got married! It was so romantic the way he proposed to me. He got down on one knee and said "will you marry me? And I said "yes". The date was set for 26th of November 1996

We invited one hundred and fifty people . We got married in Tullamore Church and our reception was in Kinnity Castle. My dress was snow white with a really long train .I had a tiara with little diamonds on it.

Then the day came. I woke up at half seven. I started getting ready at half eight. I had two flowergirls and one bridesmaid. When we came out of our house there was a white limo out side. When we got out at the Church I got a few pictures taken. The girls got ready. The music started. They started walking, then I started. I was so nervous. It was over so quickly. We were finally married. We hopped into the car, horns beeping all the way to Kinnity Castle.

That was the best day and I'd never forget it!

By Chloe.


