Ballinamere N.S.

Late For School

The teacher spoke quite sternly. Where have you been? She bellowed out. Then I stuttered out my story. I was on my way to school cycling alone. As usual everything seemed the same as every other day until I came to a turn on the road. Suddenly, I heard fierce singing and music coming from behind the ditch. Leaped off my bike and threw it into the bank of the ditch .I threw myself down and peeped through some leaves.

Low and behold, there in front of my eyes were little men dressed in green. I was stuck to the spot. They were dancing and singing and having a merry time .I could not believe my eyes.

Quick as a flash , I tried to catch a Leprachaun , unfortunately I found myself rolling down the inside of a drain. Then I realised that I had dozed off when I stopped to pump the wheel of my bike. I dusted myself off and headed for school knowing that I would be terribly late and in serious trouble .

By David H.

