Ballinamere N.S.

The Pantomime

We were all very excited on Monday and Tuesday night waiting for the pantomime to start. We had been practicing very hard for weeks. Once the night came we were all nervous but once we were singing we enjoyed all the songs. All the parents in the school were there. All of the leaflets were given out, the lights went down and we came on. We felt like pop stars with the bright lights. When we were finished, fourth class came on singing songs and did little actions. When that was finished the pantomime began and it lasted two hours. It was based on the story of Cinderella but was called Cinderfella. This is the story about a boy whose father and brothers treated him badly. One night a ball was on and he managed to go. He met a princess and once it was 1.30 a.m. he had to go home. In his rush to get home he lost his wellie!! And broke his leg !!! When the princess found him the wellie wouldn't fit as he had his foot in plaster!! …. But it fit his Dad instead!

Both nights were brilliant and great fun. We were sad when it was over.I will always remember that play…Cinderfella, the best play that ever was!

David H. &Daniel F.
