Ballinamere N.S.


Cubs and Scouts

Nearly everybody in our class is in either Cubs or Scouts. Cubs is aged from 8-11 scouts is aged from 11+. We go on lots of outings and it is great fun. Cubs is on a Tuesday night from 7.00-8.30, Scouts is on a Wednesday nights from 7.30-9.00. The Cubs and Scouts went on an Outing together on the 16-01-00. We went to the Olympia Theatre to see Puss in boots staring Dustin and Twink. Then we went to Mcdonals. We had lots of fun that day.

We also go on hikes up the mountains. Every year we have an investiture. An investiture is a night that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts all come together and the new people that have just joined into Beavers become Beavers.[It is the same with Cubs and Scouts.] There is a party at the end of the night. We go on a summer camp every year.It's so much fun we can't wait to go next summer. The Scouts are going to England, France and Italy. We are going on the 3rd of July for 19 days.

While we were in France we are going to Paris. We are going to Disney and the wel tower. After France we are going to Italy. We are going to Rome, Enezzo, Florence, Venice and some other towns in Italy .Then we will head back to London. On our way to London we will spend a night in France. We spend two nights in London, then we will get on a ferry and head back to Dun Laoghaire then we will head back home to Tullamore. We wish them a safe journey over and back.

Emma & Melissa
