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Following are articles and tips that may be of interest and help to you for your assignment
I will constantly add to and update this site so please check back regularly whilst you are researching for your assignment
Remember you are designing a website which will promote and support learning on the Web. The focus of your design must be on the learner and teacher and how they interact.
Here is a site called "LEARNING ON THE WEB" It should prove useful in your research
The World Wide Web in Education
Here's a Great Article from IBM Which Covers all aspects of Web Design
Download PAINT SHOP PRO 5 Both the Animated gif and the Image CT8 at the top of this page were developed using PSP5
Here's a great site from Lori J. Davis with loads of tips and lessons on PSP5 Click Here to Try them out
And here's Tips on PAINT SHOP PRO AND ANIMATION WORKSHOP from JASC Software Click Here
Tons more sites with help on PAINT SHOP PRO Here
PSP5 Tips and Tricks Here
Shockwave Flash 3 is great for web animations. Download it Here
Mail Me With Queries and Comments
Gabriel Gordon May 1999