My Halloween Story
One dark Halloween
night Stephen, Kevin, Andrew and I were walking to our bonfire. It was one mile from my
house. It was the biggest bonfire I ever saw. There were all kinds of fire works. There
were rockets, bangers and screamers. We were having great fun. There were a lot of people
their .It was a half past eleven. There were some people running around the bonfire.
Andrew asked, "What time is it?" I said, "It is nearly twelve o' clock". Then he said that it was time to go. We went a few minutes later
On way back to the house I asked "What is that in the trees?" "It's only the birds". We walked on. We were going around Anderson's Corner. There was an old house beside the trees it was called Anderson's Corner because Anderson's lived in it. The roof had fallen in. It only has three rooms and they are small. I saw something behind the house. "What will we do Kevin?" asked Stephen. Andrew said "Run!".
So we all run as fast as we could go. Our legs were getting tired
as we were reaching the house. We all run into the house as fast as we
could go and told Mum and Dad the good news and the bad news.