A Gost In The Bush.
On Halloween night I went to my
friends house. We went into a big round field to the bonfire. We had a party with crisps,
drink sand some sweets . While we were all eating we suddenly saw a big black thing with
black hair, a black coat and big black boots. It came out of the big green bush right
beside us. We all ran into the house and under the beds. We stayed in the house about Ten min and ran back
out to the field . We then let all off the fireworks. It was very good. We then went to
strabane to see all the fireworks going of as well. We stayed in storable for about one
When the hour was up we went back home.
When we arrived back from Strabane we played some games like putting money into water ,
hide in go seek and lots of other games. About 12 O clock I had to go home. I arrived at
my house about Ten past 12. I went into the house and told Mammy and Daddy about all the
kinds of stuff I did. I told her about the black thing I saw She took a jump. Also about
the bonfire and played lots of games as well. About 2 O clock in the morning Jonathan my
brother let off all this fireworks . He let off rockets, sparklers and all kinds off
stuff. I dressed up as a which with a black hat, a black bag, black hair and different
kinds of face painting. When all the
fireworks and the fun was all over I went into the house and went to bed. That night Mammy
told me that I had a very bad night. I dreamt that night I saw a black thing in my
bedroom. Over all it was a very good night. But when I woke up the next morning there was
no sign of anyone. Mum told me it was all a dream.