magicfinger.jpg (116488 bytes) The Magic Finger



Review by: Mark Egan

magicfinger.jpg (116488 bytes)

Author : Roald Dahl

Publisher: Puffin

The little girl in the story is very strange. "Why" because she has a magic finger.  Philip and William Gregg and the whole of the Gregg family hate her and she is so angry with them because they shoot and kill animals.

So she puts the magic finger on them and turns them into birds. Mr and Mrs Gregg cannot get into their home so they have to build a nest and find food for themselves.

A few days later, on her way  to school Mrs Winter called her "STUPID" so do you know what she did?

Yes! you've guessed it  she put the magic finger on her and she ended up looking like a cat with whiskers and a tail. And in the end the Gregg family and Mrs winter where looking so funny . So they made a deal with the birds that had taken over their homes.

The Magic Finger is one of the  funniest book I have ever read.


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