The Halloween Ghost
Halloween I went to my cousin's bonfire. She lives in a big old house. I like going there
on Halloween. She was having a big party and a bonfire. Everybody was dressed up. Some of
them were really scary.
There was music playing and there were lots of people. We were
playing "Truth or Dare" .I was dared to go to the cellar. I opened
the door and went down two steps and my friends closed the door. I ran up the steps tried
to open the door but they were holding on the other side. I looked down the steps and I
found myself standing at the bottom.
There was a bad smell and it was draughty and damp. I could hear the loud music outside I could hear the door rattling I heard the people talking in the hall. I suddenly felt a draft swoop past me. I just ran up the steps and kicked the door open. I asked mum if we could go home and we went. About a month later my cousin rang up to say that she would have to come and stay for a while because they were having trouble with a sprit in fact three spirits.