Name: Brian Clear
Education Summary
Third Level: 1990-94: Waterford Regional Technical College
Degree in Applied Computing (Honours 2.2)
Software Skills/Technical Summary
Operating Systems: Win 3.1, Win
95& 98, Win NT, Citrix NT Server,
Programming: Visual Basic 3/4/5/6, Visual C++ 4/6,
Development: MFC, COM, ActiveX Controls, ActiveX DLLs/ Servers (EXEs)
in VB, VB OLE Automation, ODBC, DAO/RDO/ADO, EDI (ANSI X.12, EDIFACT), VB Add-Ins, OOD
using OMT and System Architect,
UML using Visual Modeller.
Web Development Tools: MS Frontpage 97/98, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, VB
Script, Active Server Pages, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator,
Databases: MS Access 2 to 7, Oracle through VB, RDO, DAO, ADO,
Database Design/ Normalisation,
Other Tools: Crystal Reports, Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, Internet
Explorer 3/4/5, Citrix Windows 95 Client, Citrix Web Client for IE/NN, WRQ Reflection
Terminal Emulation, MS Source Safe/ Source Integrity, BISON/FLEX (versions of yacc/lexx)
Personal Use: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Paint Shop
Pro, Caligari TrueSpace 3D software, MS HTML Help, MS Agent,
Work Experience:
June 1999- Present Day: Ericsson Limited (CONTRACT)
Beech Hill, Clonskeagh, Dublin, Mr. Darragh Sinnott
Main skills: Visual C++ 6, Visual Basic 6
- Visual C++ 6 /MFC:
Worked on developing a migration tool which copied data from a
Customer's Phone System to a Y2K Compliant version of that system. The migration tool was
developed in Visual C++/MFC and accessed the Customer's System using an RPC DLL which came
with the system.
- Visual Basic 6:
Tested and fixed bugs in an application that talked to one of
Ericssons Phone Systems. Again the tool accessed the phone system using the same RPC
Oct 1997- Jan 1999: Entropy Limited/Eircell Limited (CONTRACT)
Sandyford Business Centre, Dublin (01) 2940199
Mr. John Ryan
Main skills: Visual Basic 5/6, OLE/COM, ActiveX Controls, OLE Automation,
Terminal Emulation using WRQ Reflection, DAO/RDO/ADO, SQL, ODBC, Oracle, OOD using UML, VB
Classes and Collections, ActiveX DLLs and EXEs, JavaScript, MS Frontpage 97/98, IE3/4,
Citrix Thin Client NT Server and Web Client, Crystal Reports,
- Sole developer of 3 frontends to Eircells terminal based legacy system, answerable
to up to 6 managers and 60+ users.
- The first frontend consisted of a data entry web page using JavaScript and hosting
ActiveX controls running on IE.
- The ActiveX controls were developed in VB5 and used OLE automation to control
Eircells terminal based system. They used VB advanced features such as collections
and classes.
- The Frontend was used by 60+ users which I also provided support for.
- The second and third Frontends were VB applications, which were used by Eircell Agents
in their stores.
- It ran using Citrix Thin Client for Windows for security reasons.
- It ran lookups and updates on an Oracle DB using DAO/RDO/ADO.
- It printed reports developed in Crystal Reports, which replaced the hand written reports
normally filled out by customers and agents.
- I also began the process of migrating the project to a 3-tier (GUI, Business Objects and
Data Objects) application with heavy use of ActiveX DLLs and VB Classes and collections.
Jan 1996- Sep 1997: POWERCOM-2000 Limited
2 Dundrum Business Park, Windy Arbour, Dublin 14
Mr. Gabriel McDermott (Development Manager) 01 418 9214
Main skills: Visual C++ 4, MFC, OLE/COM, EDI (ANSI X.12, EDIFACT), ODBC, SQL,
Microsoft Access 2/95/97, OOD using OMT, Visual Basic 3/4/5, DAO, Software and Database
- Developed an EDI / sales product using Visual C++ 4, MFC, COM and Access based on a
previously existing VB 3 product.
- Was part of a 6-person customisation and localisation team that spent 6 months in
Colorado and then returned to Ireland to set up the European development and localisation
- The product used OLE COM technology to provide easy customisations for each customer.
- We developed the C++ application using OMT (Object Modelling Technique).
- The product strictly followed Microsofts standard for software layout and
- I was present for the full product lifecycle from design to delivery and worked closely
as part of a team with developers in the US, Ireland and India.
- I developed, along with a contractor, the Software Licensing and Enabling System which
produced license diskettes for the software
- I produced individual EDI transaction DLLs for some clients (EDI Warranty Claim for
Ransomes UK, Inbound Invoice, Wholegood Allocation and Product Registration for Polaris
- I developed a translator for EDI transaction definitions using BISON/FLEX (versions of
yacc/lexx) which produces code from text descriptions of EDI transactions. It standardises
and greatly reduces the development of each new transaction.
Visual Basic
- Improved current Visual Basic 3 product, delivering customisations for the Australian
- Developed Database Utilities in Visual Basic 5 used with main C++ product.
- Also developed a Web/ASP version of the existing Parts Lookup VB application for
management to demonstrate how the product could be moved to a web environment.
Oct 1994-Dec 1995 Clonmel Chilling (International) Limited
Upper Irishtown, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Ireland
052 21812
Mr. Martin Collier (Manager)
Skills: Microsoft Access 2, Visual Basic, Access Basic, DAO and SQL, Software
and Database Design.
- I was the sole developer of a frontend database to store and print the records of meat
exported from this meat factory.
- The database was a multi-user database, with a single DB to store the data and a
frontend on each users machine to maintain and print the data. Both were developed using
MS Access.
- The development used all the advanced features of Access such as Access Basic, DAO, SQL
and reports.
- I developed a frontend in VB3 that replaced Program Manager to handle the varying levels
of user skills.
- As the only IT person I provided maintenance for other weighing systems in the factory.
Mar 1993-Sept 1993 Cavalier Ireland Ltd. (College Work Experience)
7 Whitefriars, Aungier St., Dublin 2 (01) 475
Ms. Mary Gordon (Managing Director)
Skills: Microsoft Access 2, Visual Basic 3
- I developed along with one other person a Credit Card Retrieval System in Microsoft
Access 2 and Visual Basic for the Bank of Ireland. The system managed lost or stolen
credit cards and paid a finders fee and produced reports.
- I also worked on-site in Shannon and Dublin testing and writing manuals for other
installed systems.
Work Related Experience:
Oct 1993- Jun 1994: Final Year Project
Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford
City, Ireland.
Mr. Tom Hearne (Project Leader/ Lecturer)
- I was part of a 3-person team that developed in Visual Basic 3 an interpreter and
teaching tool to train people to program Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).
External Projects:
clubIE - Ireland's clubbing guide (
I design and manage, in my spare time, a website dedicated to the DJing and
clubbing scene in Ireland. The site provides listings and links to many Irish clubs and
DJs. As of May 2000 the site was receiving 8000 hits a month.