Name: Brian Clear



Education Summary

Third Level: 1990-94: Waterford Regional Technical College

Degree in Applied Computing (Honours 2.2)

Software Skills/Technical Summary

Operating Systems: Win 3.1, Win ’95& ’98, Win NT, Citrix NT Server,

Programming: Visual Basic 3/4/5/6, Visual C++ 4/6,

Development: MFC, COM, ActiveX Controls, ActiveX DLLs/ Servers (EXEs) in VB, VB OLE Automation, ODBC, DAO/RDO/ADO, EDI (ANSI X.12, EDIFACT), VB Add-Ins, OOD using OMT and System Architect,

UML using Visual Modeller.

Web Development Tools: MS Frontpage 97/98, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, VB Script, Active Server Pages, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator,

Databases: MS Access 2 to 7, Oracle through VB, RDO, DAO, ADO, Database Design/ Normalisation,

Other Tools: Crystal Reports, Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer 3/4/5, Citrix Windows 95 Client, Citrix Web Client for IE/NN, WRQ Reflection Terminal Emulation, MS Source Safe/ Source Integrity, BISON/FLEX (versions of yacc/lexx)

Personal Use: Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, Paint Shop Pro, Caligari TrueSpace 3D software, MS HTML Help, MS Agent,

Work Experience:

June 1999- Present Day: Ericsson Limited (CONTRACT)

Beech Hill, Clonskeagh, Dublin, Mr. Darragh Sinnott

Main skills: Visual C++ 6, Visual Basic 6



Oct 1997- Jan 1999: Entropy Limited/Eircell Limited (CONTRACT)

Sandyford Business Centre, Dublin (01) 2940199

Mr. John Ryan

Main skills: Visual Basic 5/6, OLE/COM, ActiveX Controls, OLE Automation, Terminal Emulation using WRQ Reflection, DAO/RDO/ADO, SQL, ODBC, Oracle, OOD using UML, VB Classes and Collections, ActiveX DLLs and EXEs, JavaScript, MS Frontpage 97/98, IE3/4, Citrix Thin Client NT Server and Web Client, Crystal Reports,



Jan 1996- Sep 1997: POWERCOM-2000 Limited

2 Dundrum Business Park, Windy Arbour, Dublin 14

Mr. Gabriel McDermott (Development Manager) 01 418 9214

Main skills: Visual C++ 4, MFC, OLE/COM, EDI (ANSI X.12, EDIFACT), ODBC, SQL, Microsoft Access 2/95/97, OOD using OMT, Visual Basic 3/4/5, DAO, Software and Database Design.

Visual Basic




Oct 1994-Dec 1995 Clonmel Chilling (International) Limited

Upper Irishtown, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Ireland 052 21812

Mr. Martin Collier (Manager)

Skills: Microsoft Access 2, Visual Basic, Access Basic, DAO and SQL, Software and Database Design.


Mar 1993-Sept 1993 Cavalier Ireland Ltd. (College Work Experience)

7 Whitefriars, Aungier St., Dublin 2 (01) 475 1877

Ms. Mary Gordon (Managing Director)

Skills: Microsoft Access 2, Visual Basic 3

  • I developed along with one other person a Credit Card Retrieval System in Microsoft Access 2 and Visual Basic for the Bank of Ireland. The system managed lost or stolen credit cards and paid a finder’s fee and produced reports.
  • I also worked on-site in Shannon and Dublin testing and writing manuals for other installed systems.



Work Related Experience:

Oct 1993- Jun 1994: Final Year Project

Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford City, Ireland.

Mr. Tom Hearne (Project Leader/ Lecturer)

  • I was part of a 3-person team that developed in Visual Basic 3 an interpreter and teaching tool to train people to program Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).


External Projects:

clubIE - Ireland's clubbing guide (
I design and manage, in my spare time, a website dedicated to the DJing and clubbing scene in Ireland. The site provides listings and links to many Irish clubs and DJs. As of May 2000 the site was receiving 8000 hits a month.