Business and Management Titles


The Handbook of Communication Skills

Frank P Murphy

Everyone in business needs to communicate well – with clients, colleagues, and business partners – and everyone, with the right guidance, can communicate well. This book deals with communication in all its various forms and provides a blueprint for excellent communication at every level. The author explains the central importance of effective communication in today's fast-moving business environment, before dealing specifically with the following areas:

• Conversation skills • Negotiations

• Presentations • Meetings

• Conflict resolution • Human behaviour

• Decision making and problem solving

Frank P Murphy is founder and Managing Director of Ireland's Institute of Communication Ltd, which has provided a wide range of courses in the various areas of communication for almost thirty years.

136pp. ISBN 1-901657-16-7 £13.99 pbk  ISBN 1-901657-38-8 £19.99 hbk  May 1998


The Blackhall Guide to Health and Safety at Work in Ireland

Jeremy Stranks

The last decade has seen considerable development in the field of occupational safety, health and welfare in Ireland. There has also been a large amount of EC law in this area, which has to be implemented, and employers who fail to comply with the law face severe penalties.

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Regulations in 1993 brought in a new management-oriented approach to health and safety at work, placing the onus of ensuring compliance firmly on the management. As a result, all companies are now having to think about establishing effective health and safety procedures, and are therefore in need of guidance on how to go about it.

This book, written specifically for Irish companies by health and safety expert Jeremy Stranks, considers the legal aspects of health and safety at work and also provides a blueprint for best practice in the area. It is written in clear, accessible language, and points made are backed up by examples and checklists. It will be of immense benefit to all companies who want to negotiate their way round this potentially hazardous minefield.

Jeremy Stranks is a leading authority on health and safety at work, having written and lectured extensively on the subject. His recent books include One Stop Health and Safety and A Manager’s Guide to Health and Safety.

160pp. ISBN 1-901657-18-3 £15.99 pbk July 1998

Competition in the 21st Century

Kirk WM Tyson

Business competition will change radically in the next century. Short-sighted companies will go out of business. Survivors will successfully make the transition from the so-called Information Age of this century to the Intelligence Age of the 21st century.

Ten years in the making, this book paints a picture of the competition of the future which is based on in-depth research of world-wide business over the past 100 years. It shows business competition in its 19th Century childhood, 20th Century adolescence, and 21st Century adulthood. The book highlights new beginnings – the Intelligence Age, highly networked "MegaStrategic Entities", and the need for both a "Competitive Knowledge Base" and a "Perpetual Strategy Process" to provide an early warning system for executives.

Tyson provides the key characteristics of successful companies, leaders and business practices of the 21st Century, and covers business in Europe, North America and the Asia/Pacific region. Dozens of companies are profiled, including Nestlé, 3M, Toyota, Royal Dutch Shell, Procter and Gamble, Sony and many more.

Kirk WM Tyson is a business consultant, researcher, author and speaker of world-wide acclaim. He is the chairman of Kirk Tyson International, Chicago, with offices and affiliates throughout Europe, North America and the Asia/Pacific region. He is the author of Business Intelligence and Competitor Intelligence Manual and Guide.

ISBN 1-901657-33-7 pbk £19.95 pbk July 1998

The Stock Exchange

Kevin McHugh

This book analyses the regulatory framework within which the Capital Markets operate. It deals with the following points in particular:

• The Investment Services Directive and its implementation in Ireland.

• The Regulatory roles of the Central Bank of Ireland and of the Stock Exchange.

• The Rules of The Stock Exchange.

• The Capital Adequacy and Client Asset Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland.

• The Stock Exchange Listing Rules.

• The Regulation of Investment Funds.

• The Investor Compensation Directive.

• Insider Dealing and Money Laundering Legislation.

• The CREST Settlement System.

• The Rules of the Takeover Panel.

• The Primary Dealing System for Irish Government Bonds.

Kevin McHugh is Head of Regulation of the Irish Stock Exchange and is responsible for the development and implementation of Stock Exchange regulatory policy. Geraldine Jones is head of Listing and Finance of the Irish Stock Exchange. Mary O’Dea is a Senior Economist working with the Central Bank of Ireland.

196pp. ISBN 1-901657-12-4 NF pbk  1-901657-13-2 NF hbk June 1998

Ireland’s Entrepreneurial Elite

Richard Curran and Declan Hayes

The national tendency of the Irish is to begrudge success in the present and to look backwards to a non-existent golden age. This book makes the point that the country’s cultural impediments remain the greatest single obstacle to achieving sustained economic growth.

Based on interviews and discussions with leading Irish entrepreneurs, who have succeeded despite the prevailing begrudgery, and despite the lack of an environment conducive to the growth and development of entrepreneurship, this book suggests how government expenditures could be better focused to aid the economy, and recommends that the government attempts to foster a business culture where the successes of people such as David McKenna, Denis Brosnan and Geoff Read can be more easily replicated.

This is an optimistic book, which points the way forward to a more vibrant, competitive and entrepreneurial Ireland. It calls for a more progressive, proactive and pragmatic business culture which will replace the navel-gazing of the past with a practical, entrepreneurial approach to building the viable Ireland that will be necessary to meet the many challenges of global business in the 21st Century. It extracts instructive lessons from the past and points the way to a successful future.

Richard Curran is Assistant Editor of The Sunday Tribune. Declan Hayes lectures at the University of Tokyo.

144pp. ISBN: 1-901657-35-3 £14.99 pbk June 1998


Giles Lury

This book lifts the lid on the phenomenon that is branding. Branding is one of the most important developments of the 20th century, and is also likely to be of key importance in the 21st century. Giles Lury sets the subject in its proper historical context, and looks at how brands develop and how they get their names and characteristics. He demonstrates how to build up a brand identity and the key elements that make a successful brand.

The author speculates on what the future holds for branding in the light of the development of new forms of marketing, such as relationship marketing and one-to-one marketing.

This book is essential reading for marketing managers, students of marketing and anyone interested in the phenomenon of branding.

Giles Lury has worked with brands in advertising and consultancy for over fifteen years. He is Director of Communications at The Value Engineers, an independent marketing consultancy specialising in branding, strategy and innovation, with a client list that includes Birds Eye, Oxo, British Airways and Britannia Building Society. He wrote a case history for the widely used educational book Understanding Industry.

200pp. ISBN:1-901657-34-5 pbk £17.99  September 1998

Blackhall Guide to Health and Safety at Work in the UK

Jeremy Stranks

The last decade has seen a great deal of development in the field of occupational safety, health and welfare in the UK. There has been a large amount of EU law in this area, and some UK law as well, which has to be implemented, and employers who fail to comply with the law face severe penalties. Much of the new legislation is beginning to lead to the development of a new, management-oriented approach to health and safety at work, placing the onus of ensuring compliance firmly on the management. As a result, all companies are now having to think about establishing effective health and safety procedures, and are in increasing need of accessible guidance on how to go about it. This book, written specifically for UK companies by health and safety expert Jeremy Stranks, considers the legal aspects of health and safety at work, and also provides a blueprint for best practice in the area. It is written in clear, accessible language and points made are backed up by examples and checklists. It will be of immense benefit to all companies who want to negotiate their way round this potentially hazardous minefield.

Jeremy Stranks is a leading authority on health and safety at work, having written and lectured extensively on the subject. His recent books include One Stop Health & Safety (ICSA Publishing) and A Manager’s Guide to Health & Safety (Kogan Page)

160pp. ISBN: 1-901657-40-X £13.99 pbk October 1998

Transforming Leadership

Terry Anderson

"Transforming Leadership is a must read for anyone who wants to make a difference in the future. It presents ways we can respond to these uncertain times and help everyone, including ourselves, win."

Ken Blanchard, co-author, The One Minute Manager.

This much talked about executive and management self-development book goes beyond the traditional boundaries to define the relationship between leadership performance and corporate performance optimisation. It is aimed at managers who have moved beyond HRD buzzwords and slogans, and provides them with a clear insight into the distinct elements that cultivate leadership to develop high quality and performance.

Through a straightforward, integrated method, the individual self-evaluates his or her leadership qualities and skills, then begins to enhance them by implementing specific learning actions that are backed by powerful coaching and mentoring support.

The book is written in a friendly, personal and above all accessible manner and demonstrates clearly and practically how anyone can improve their leadership skills and cultivate a workplace culture in which effective leadership means effective performance.

Terry Anderson is a results-oriented consultant, executive coach, author and university lecturer.

336 pp. ISBN: 1-901657-39-6 £19.99 pbk October 1998

Working Women in Ireland – your Guide to Coping with Pregnancy and Motherhood

Veronica Canning

More and more women remain in the workforce today in Ireland, for financial or career reasons, or a mixture of both. Women no longer feel the huge pressure to decide between motherhood and work - they want, and are entitled to, both. Increasingly, they are under scrutiny in both spheres, facing enormous pressure to be as effective as always at work while being pregnant or while combining work with ongoing motherhood.

Faced with this challenge a woman really needs a well proven set of guidelines to continue to be effective - and to be treated as such by her work colleagues. This book provides these invaluable guidelines.

The main points covered are:

• Your twelve-month pregnancy – an overview of the period on either side of the birth.

• Your personal plan.

• Announcing your pregnancy and dealing with the reaction.

• Reducing stress by effective management of your time, emotions and energy.

• Your legal rights as a pregnant woman.

• The painless return to work.

• Choosing the right child care options.

• Successfully balancing your work and your parental role.

Veronica Canning is the chief executive of Canning & Associates, a Dublin-based consultancy. She has held senior management positions for the past 15 years, during which time she has had two children.

106 pp. ISBN: 1-901657-23-X £9.99 pbk  September 1998

The Being Successful in . . .

Series Editor: Veronica Canning

This new series of practical books, to be launched in October 1998, provides an accessible and user-friendly approach to the common problems experienced by small to medium sized, growing businesses. The series concentrates on problems encountered during the all-important development phase when businesses are starting to grow, and need to cope with a range of unfamiliar, difficult and often competing issues.

The books are comprehensive yet concise, and will treat the topic in question succinctly and without recourse to jargon. Practical examples, checklists and pointers on to further sources of help and advice are included to supplement the text.

Veronica Canning is the Series Editor of the Being Successful in . . . series. Veronica is the Managing Director of Canning & Associates, which specialises in communications and personal development training. Ms Canning is the author of a number of books in this area and takes a special interest in helping women develop their professional potential.

Being Successful in Budgeting

Evelyn Hempenstall

Budgeting is of vital importance to growing companies. They need to act within a budget and to budget effectively if they are to survive. This book demonstrates in ten succinct chapters how budgeting can be performed successfully to facilitate corporate growth.

Evelyn Hempenstall is a chartered accountant operating as a Senior Financial controller with significant commercial expertise in the areas of operational and financial planning and management in performance led organisations.

128pp. ISBN: 1-90165727-2 £9.99 pbk October 1998

Being Successful in Customer

Veronica Canning

Customer care is extremely important – in today’s business climate the customer is always right, and if they are not cared for and serviced effectively they will exercise their right to go elsewhere. This book explains the central importance of effective customer care and shows in a step-by-step fashion how it can be achieved.

Veronica Canning is the Managing Director of Canning & Associates, Business Consultancy.

128pp. ISBN: 1-901657-30-2 £9.99 pbk October 1998

Being Successful in Trademarks
and Patents

Peter Hanna

Whether or not to trademark or patent products is a key issue to companies in the early days of their development, and this book gives a concise yet comprehensive summary of the legal position in this area, which can often seem complicated. The book summarises the subject in clear, concise and accessible language.

Peter Hanna is a partner in Tomkins & Company, and a European Patent Attorney. He has practised in this area for over 20 years.

128 pp. ISBN: 1-901657-28-0 £9.99 pbk October 1998

Being Successful in Report

Harris Rosenburg

Report Writing is a vital skill for managers in small to medium sized, growing businesses. The ability to be able to say succinctly and comprehensively what you want to say, in writing, will ensure that business plans, reports, financial summaries and important correspondence get a favourable reaction. This book shows, practically and accessibly, how to write well and how to get your message across.

Harris Rosenberg is a seasoned author and the Managing Director of Grants International Ltd, a consultancy which advises on a range of financially related matters. He is the author of several books including How to Apply for Grants, Loans and other Sources of Finance and One Stop Finance.

128 pp. ISBN: 1-901657-19-1 £9.99 pbk October 1998

Being Successful in Motivation

Veronica Canning

One of the key issues facing people involved in small to medium sized enterprises is the need to motivate themselves and their colleagues. Small businesses can often be lonely and it can be difficult to work up enthusiasm and inspiration for the job in hand particularly at times when the whole world seems to be against you. This book stresses the importance of motivation in this type of business and demonstrates clearly how to motivate both yourself and those around you, to ensure effective business performance

128pp. ISBN: 1-901657-31-0 £9.99 pbk December 1998

Being Successful in Time

Tom McConalogue

Managing your time effectively can make the difference between operating successfully as a growing business, or disappearing under a mountain of conflicting tasks. This book demonstrates systematically how to become better at time management, how to recognise "time-stealers", how to set aside time each day for important tasks, how to prioritise and how to successfully juggle your daily workload.

Tom McConalogue is a management consultant and a member of the Irish Management Institute Senior faculty. He runs courses on Time Management for the IMI.

128pp. ISBN: 1-901657-20-5 £9.99 December 1998

Developing a Positive Mental Attitude

Andree Harpur

Searching for a purpose in life, looking for a new start, changing our attitude to ourselves and to the work we do – all these are difficult issues faced by many people in their twenties and thirties who face a niggling feeling at the back of their minds that they could be getting more out of life.

This book deals with these issues in a straightforward and practical way, and demonstrates that most of us already have the answers to the difficult questions raised – "Who am I?", "Why am I Here?", "Where Am I Going?" – if we only knew how to find them. The answers to these questions once located will help people to awaken their true potential, develop it and integrate it into both their working and personal lives in a harmonious way.

Andree Harpur shows how we can ensure that we choose activities and roles that really suit our personalities, and perform activities that really motivate us, so that work becomes an enjoyable and stimulating activity rather than a chore. Rather than hiding our real personalities at work, we should let our personal attributes shine through, put them to good use and feel totally comfortable with them.

Andree Harpur is a Guidance Counsellor, based in Dublin. She provides guidance to a wide range of clients on how to get more out of their working lives, and how to deal with difficult situations.

160pp. ISBN: 1-901657-22-1 NF October 1998

A Mathematics Review

Seán Cawley

This book is the proceedings of the Association of Heads of Schools of Science, Mathematics Conference, held at Waterford Institute of Technology on 30 and 31 May 1996. Mathematics is often regarded, with some justification, as an ivory tower of discipline or too difficult or complex! It is the responsibility of mathematicians to readdress this – that is – if mathematics is to command as powerful an influence in this new milieu as it had during the design of the Hamuabi Irrigation System or during Greece’s Golden era. We need of course to be simultaneously dreamers like the Greeks and practical like the Romans.

This conference provided timely notice of some of the challenges and some of the responses currently being made and alerts us to issues which require our attention. Herein, those who teach mathematics and those who design, advise on or manage courses containing mathematics, give their personal perspectives.

This book is a must for all those involved in mathematics.

Sean Cawley is a Lecturer in Carlow Regional Technical College

190pp. ISBN: 1-901657-00-0 £15.99 pbk ISBN: 1-901657-01-9 £29.99 hbk June 1998

Phoning for Profits

David O’Connor and Bernadette Cunnane

The telephone is one of the most important tools at the disposal of the sales person; if used effectively it can do away with the need for face-to-face meetings, giving the sales person the chance to easily contact 40 clients a day. In an increasingly competitive market, a company is often only as good as its sales force, and well-trained personnel are a valuable asset, and can be the difference between winning and losing business. This book examines the benefits of good customer service over the telephone, and also demonstrates in a clear, practical and no-nonsense manner how to become effective at selling over the telephone. It covers:

The essential art of listening.

The importance of voice control.

How to structure sales calls.

How to quickly identify customer needs.

How to match these needs to products.

How to recognise and respond to buying signals.

The importance of preparation.

David O’Connor has over 10 years experience in direct sales. He now co-runs his own consultancy Sales Impact Training with Bernadette Cunnane, who has wide experience in training staff in both sales and customer service.

161 pp. ISBN: 1-901657-17-5 £13.99 pbk November 1998

The Celtic Tiger – From The Outside Looking In

Mary K. Toomey

This book looks at the social development of Ireland between 1967 and 1998, through the eyes of a Sri Lankan who has lived in the country for over 30 years. It looks at important social institutions such as the family, schools, and the church, and considers attitudes to race, religion and refugees, attitudes that seem to be changing in the light of the new found economic prosperity brought about in the 1990s, and known as "The Celtic Tiger".

The book highlights the author's deep concern for an Ireland that is currently at the crossroads - enjoying new found prosperity that is bringing economic benefits to many, but at the cost of losing essential parts of the Irish character, the welcoming, the hospitality, the generosity, for which the people of this country have been known for centuries. Looking back to the sixties and seventies, the authors recalls how easy it was for her to settle in Dublin, how she was immediately made to feel welcome, and how Ireland conferred on her a deep sense of identity and belonging which she had failed to see in her own country of birth. She describes the people at this time - their way of life, their sense of humour, their language, and their attitudes. The book goes on to consider all these issues as they have developed in the intervening thirty years and also laments the sorry state of affairs surrounding the handling of the "newcomers" to Ireland, who, for the first time in the history of the nation are seriously challenging the ability of the Irish to take on the concept of multi-culturalism and move into the millennium.

Ultimately the book issues a warning - do not let the new economic prosperity in Ireland - which may be short-lived - change the fundamental character of the nation, a character known for its welcome, its caring and its compassion.

Mary Toomey came to live in Ireland in 1967. She is a freelance editor and lecturer.

224 pp.  ISBN: 1-901657-21-3 £12.99 pbk  November 1998

Marketing Messages

Leslie Gofton

This book is designed for the business student who is beginning the study of marketing and related specialisms, and the manager who is seeking to understand and apply the principles of marketing communications. It provides an accessible, easy-to-understand introduction to the practices involved, and provides exercises in the application of the principles.

While marketing communications continues to be a burgeoning area, texts on the market at present tend to be either aimed at the specialist professional and feature excessive detail and technical language or else they fail to reflect recent changes in practice and thinking, often by emphasising advertising as a separate function and fail to deal with the increasing importance of integrated marketing communications policies and practices.

Integrated marketing communications, which is concerned with all the channels and publics between the enterprise and its environment involved in sending and receiving marketing messages, is becoming an essential area of expertise for the modern manager. This text opens up an understanding of the theories and practices which lie behind this increasingly vital managerial skill. It provides a coherent and comprehensive introduction to the newcomer, in accessible language, but is nevertheless a serious appraisal of the subject.

Leslie Gofton lectures in Marketing at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. He co-authored Business Market Research (Kogan Page)

224 pp.  ISBN: 1-901657-26-4 £17.99 pbk  November 1998

Property Investment

Tim McDonald

The last two years have seen substantial gains by property investors in Ireland. There has been a huge increase in the number of people who are either investing or contemplating investing in property. This book is a guide to investing in residential property in Ireland. It deals with all aspects including topics such as location, legislation, and taxation. It is especially relevant to those who are considering investing in property and for individuals who are currently investors in property.

It deals with all aspects from purchasing the property to letting out the property and areas such as section 23 relief are also covered. The book will be both informative and address issues that arise every day in the whole area of property investment. It will help people to gain a better insight into investing in property and answer some of the queries they may have. This book is a must for anyone involved in property.

Tim McDonald is a practising Auctioneer/Property Manager who has wide experience in this area.

192pp. ISBN: 1-901657-06-X pbk £9.99 September 1998

The Interview Challenge

Cormac Lankford

In a society where the number of applicants for jobs sadly outnumber the number of jobs available, it is understandable that the interview has assumed a major role in job selection procedures. In a world of highly-developed communication technology, it is also understandable that interview techniques have become very sophisticated. The interviewee therefore has to be well-drilled and well-groomed to have any chance of being successful and will have to learn how to cope with the demands of a searching interview.

Cormac Lankford’s book The Interview Challenge has been brought fully up-to-date, and comes out at an opportune time. It is likely to provide compulsive reading for anyone looking for a job, or preparing for a specific interview. It is based on practical, real-life experience and should become a classic in the area of career guidance literature.

The sections of the book dealing with the preparation required for the different elements of an interview are marked by a pragmatic, no-nonsense approach which is refreshing and eminently practical. The book is a formidable and remarkable work of research written with a lucidity that reflects the author’s mastery of the subject. It will be welcomed both by career guidance officers and job-seekers, making the task lighter for the former, and giving confidence and courage to the latter.

Cormac Lankford is a former Chief Executive of Young Enterprise Ireland and is a careers guidance counsellor.

130pp.   ISBN: 1-901657-41-8 £7.99 pbk  October 1998

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