Body & Mind
- Dr. Anita Rawandale (Dhyan Urja), Ayurvedic Doctor
- Former Doctor at the Osho Resort in Pune till
1999. She is now conducting Ayurvedic
workshops, Ayurvedic massage, Ayurvedic Head
massage and Yoga
trainings around the globe, and for groups
coming down to India. Private sessions
- Pune (Poona)
- info@rasovai.com
- www.rasovai.com
- Marco Massignan
- Ayurvedic treatments, Spiritual counseling,
Sweat lodge
- via Castegnate 79H
24030 Terno d'Isola, BG
Cell: +39 347 9348198
Fax: +39 035 905488
- Giorgio Viberti
- Tecnica Cranio Sacrale (Craniosacral
Therapy), Massaggio Ayurvedico (Ayurvedic
Massage) e Tecniche di Respirazione
- Via Mantova
10100 Torino
Tel. 0116506593
Cell. 03495748740
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