July |
of the Wizard of Oz
Susan Boyd.
Ardara audiences were delighted to see the first
production of the Ardara Community Centre Theatre Group
on the 17th 18th & 19th July.
This production has the unique hallmark of not only being
a first, but also of numbering 88 children aged from 6
13 years in the cast. The main hall in the
Community Centre was filled to capacity for the three
performances, during which the audience showed their
genuine appreciation of the singing and acting with many
rounds of warm applause.
The old story of The Wizard of Oz, in which
Dorothy discovers, after many adventures and encounters
with strange characters, that theres no place like
home, is almost a classic. However, the scarecrow who
longs for a brain, the tin-man who wants a heart, the
cowardly lion in search of courage continue to delight
adults and children alike.
Dorothy, played by Michelle McHugh (10), amazed the
audience with the impact of her opening song Somewhere
over the Rainbow. The scarecrow (Caoimhe Haughey,
11) was decidedly unscary , and the tin-man (Stephanie
Bennett, 12) was definitely in need of a taste of oil,
the cowardly lion (David Walters, 8) gave a very
enthusiastic performance. Glinda the good witch,
portrayed by Orla Heena (10), had an excellent stage
presence, whilst the wicked witch (Caitriona Feeney, 13)
had a spine-chillingly sinister cackle. As the wonderful
wizard who turns out to be not quite so magical as he is
encouraging, Noel Gallagher (13) did a very good job. The
supporting cast were extremely visual and vocal ; with
performers of this calibre the Theatre Group surely has a
bright future.
Between the efforts of Pauline McHugh and Deidre Bonner ,
the costumes were pleasing and in keeping with an earlier
period in time. The younger childrens costumes were
bright and pretty : the costumes of the witches and the
trees of the forest were, in contrast, appropriately dark
and gloomy. The lighting and sound were professional and
effective. The sound system was especially important
given the less than good acoustics in the Community
All aspects of the show were under the expert guidance of
the producer, Deirdre Bonner. During the months of
rehearsal the childrens desire for this to be a
wonderful production had lightened her task. The
expressive manner of the childrens singing was the
result of her careful coaching and musical ability. It is
hoped that Deirdre will be available when the Theatre
Group begin classes again in November and start thinking
about their next production. .
After three nights of warm and responsive audiences the
children were sad that it was all over. But, for sure,
therell be no sad faces at their forth-coming party
( Saturday 28th July at 5pm in the Community Centre ),
when they will be able to experience the show all over
again on video.
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Community Notices
Variety Concert
On Friday the 3rd of August there will be a variety
concert in the Dolmen Centre, starting at 9 p.m. sharp.
The programme includes Aussie Bryson (Nice Day for
Cutting Turf), Vincent and Jimmy Campbell (as
featured on R.T.E.), and various artists. There will also
be traditional music and Irish dancing. Admission will
cost £5. Tickets are available from the Dolmen Centre.
For further information call 075-45010 between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m.
The Wizard of Oz
It was with regret that the young people and adults
associated with the production of The Wizard of Oz
packed up their props, and returned the Community Centre
to its usual state. The main hall of the Centre had seen
a full house for each of the three performances of the
show, and Ardara people were delighted at the spontaneity
and joy of the childrens acting and singing. Much
credit is due to the work of the producer, Deirdre
Bonner, and the SNEAS committee. Happily the show has
made a profit, which will leave the group finances in
good shape to plan another production next winter.
At a disco in the Nesbitt Arms on August the 5th between
9 and 11 p.m., the U-13 Girls Soccer Team, who did
so well in winning the Ulster title, will be presented
with their trophy and medals. This being a fund-raising
evening, all are welcome, both old and young.
Dolmen Centre Gym
Membership subscriptions for the gym in the Kilclooney
Dolmen Centre are available on a three-monthly, six-monthly,
or yearly basis, or at the rate of £2-50 per hour. The
main hall is available for badminton at £10 per hour.
Fun Club
The Scallywags Fun Club for children aged 6-12 years
continues for the month of July in the Dolmen Centre.
Activities include art and crafts, face-painting, action
stories, and games. It starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m.
Telephone 075-45010 or 075-45022 for further information.
Congratulations to Ian Stevenson, Ramelton, and Mary
Boyd, Lackaduff, Ardara, who recently announced their
Ardglen Sinn Fein
The secretary of the Ardglen Sinn Fein reports that
An Phoblacht/Republican News will be
available at newsagents in the Ardara area from Friday
the 27th of July at the price of 70 pence. It covers a
wide range of national and international issues. Their
web address is http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
Summer Camp
Tir Boghaine in association with the Ardara Parish
Council are holding a summer camp in the Community Centre
from the 7th until the 10th of August, the hours being 10:30
a.m. until 4 p.m. The cost is £5. per child. The
children will be between 10 and 14 years old, and the
maximum number in the group will be twenty. The children
should bring a packed lunch. Parental consent forms must
be completed for each child.
Further information is available from 075-41518.
Preference will be given to children living in Ardara and
Downstrands, which is the area covered by Tir Boghaine.
Congratulations to John G. Curran, Kentucky Rd, who has
been conferred with a B. Arch. (Hons) degree in the
Duncan of Jordonstone College, University of Dundee.
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July |
Community Notices
An Phoblacht/Republican News will be available at
newsagents in the Ardara area from Friday 27th July price
70p. AP/RN is Irelands largest selling political paper
covering a wide range of National and International
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July |
Community Notices
Sinn Fein
There will ba a Sinn Fein meeting in the Nesbitt Arms tonight, Sunday the
22nd july at 5.00pm new members are welcome to attend.
Anyone wishing to contact Sinn Fein can do so at the
Address below
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July |
Ardara GAA
Summer Camp
The Annual Ardara GAA summer Camp which caters for Children from
the Ardara and Glenties parishes commences on Monday next
the 23rd in Pearse Memorial Park Ardara. The camp which
is open to children from the ages of 7 -12 will run from
10 am - 3 pm each day. The participants will receive
coaching in Gaelic Football , Hurling Camogie and
rounders and will be attended by top coaches as well as
appearances by county senior players . There will be an
award scheme for the participants with a sports day
at the end of the camp.
Participants should take
a packed lunch and there will be a tuck shop available at
the venue. The cost of the camp for the week is £20 with
an additional £10 for every additional child in a family.
A bus will pick up
participants in Narin and at the Post Office in Glenties
at 9.30.am. each morning and along the route .
All enquiries to James Mc
Hugh 087-2222277 or John Mc Connell 087-2701098
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July |
of 88 Children to Perform Wizard of Oz
Susan Boyd
On the 18th, 19th, and 20th of July, the people of
Ardara and the surrounding area will be treated to a
performance of that old family favourite, The
Wizard of Oz, in the Ardara Community Centre. A performing
arts group (SNEAS), mostly made up of young people in the
7-14 age group, have been rehearsing since mid-winter in
order to stage this musical, assisted and supported by a
number of dedicated adults.
The group began earlier in the winter with music lessons
playing the tin whistle, guitar, keyboard, flute, violin,
and recorder. Traditional and modern music, songs in
Irish and in English were all grist to their mill.
Deirdre Bonner kept everyone learning, and also included
classes in movement, drama, and dance.
A committee of adults was elected and a statement of aims
recorded. If they attain their goals, the group will
continue to promote drama and music and to stage more
productions in the community, with more adults taking
part both on- and off-stage. They wish to see people from
all groups in the community involved, and whole families
The children are very, very enthusiastic. Being
involved in a stage production helps to build confidence
in children. It increases their self-esteem and their
ability to work co-operatively as part of a group. They
build friendships and generally improve their social
development, said Kathleen Boyd, secretary to the
Community Centre Theatre Group (SNEAS).
The young people have been rehearsing in two groups.
Performing with a wonderful supporting cast will
be Michelle McHugh as Dorothy, Orla Heena as Glinda, Noel
Gallagher as the wizard, Caitriona Feeney as the wicked
witch, Caoibhe Haughey as the scarecrow, Stephanie
Bennett as the tin-man, and David Waters as the cowardly
lion, said Deirdre Bonner, the production manager.
She is the main creative driving force behind this
project and has produced The Wizard of Oz
with a youthful cast before, so has a good idea of how
she wants the show to be. Deirdre is a national school
teacher and is a native of Dungloe. She recently did some
support teaching at Cranaghbois school near Ardara.
The committee of the Theatre Group is made up of Deirdre
Bonner, Marita McLoone, Brid Cunningham, Kathleen Boyd,
Catherine Watters, Gwen Breslin, and Pauline McHugh. This
committee was formed by the parents to assist with fund-raising
in order to provide a stage in the Community Centre, and to pay
for lighting and sound effects for the performance. They
have received a good deal of help and support. Goods or
services have been given by Udaras na Gaeltachta, the
local national schools, business owners in Ardara,
Fleming Engineering ( St Johnston), James Byrne (
Hillhead, Ardara), Donegal Hardware ( Donegal town), and
Donegal Creameries (Letterkenny) . The Arts Organiser of
Donegal County Council has pledged financial support with
the lighting and sound costs, as has T.D. Thomas Gildea.
This musical represents a great community effort and will
also be a wonderful evenings entertainment. The doors
will open at 8 p.m. for an 8:30 p.m. start in the Ardara
Community Centre on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of July.
Tickets will cost £3. per adult and £1:50 per child.
There will be a reduction where there are more than two
children in a family group.
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July |
Community Notices
Cronkeerin Sponsored Walk
On June the 3rd a sponsored walk was held in Cronkeerin
in aid of the registered charity, International Aid
Trust, which, among other things, enables street
children from Ukraine and Belarus to attend a summer camp
at Myaki for a two week holiday. The walk was a huge
success and a total of £700. was raised. A cheque for
this amount will be forwarded to the co-ordinator of the
International Aid Trust. Much credit is due to the
walkers and their sponsors alike. Their effort will be
much appreciated.
This trust is not affiliated with the Friends of
Chernobyl, another most worthy and noble cause,
which has a good record for sponsored fund-raising and
hosting children in this parish.
Cller Slowey received information in reply to questions
asked at a recent County Council meeting:
Ardara Water Supply
Two separate contracts are being awarded for the work of
increasing the storage capacity of the Ardara Water
Supply complete with access for construction and
maintenance works. The total cost of the work will be in
the region of £160,000. It is expected that construction
will begin in the next 4-6 weeks and be completed in
September/October this year. There will be some
disruptions to the water supply during construction work.
Ardara Sewerage Scheme
Cller Slowey learned that this scheme will be advertised
for tender when approval of the contract documents is
received from the Dept of the Environment and Local
Government, which will also have to approve the
appointment of a contractor to construct the scheme.
Construction could begin late this year/early next year
if departmental approval is gained.
Ardara Library
The Community Centre will
provide a room and shelves, and the County Council will
provide a collection of books for children and adults. A
representative from the Ardara Community Centre has
received training in the Central Library to enable her to
fun the facility on a day- to- day basis. The library
centre will open in the near future. If members of the
public wish to donate books to the library, they may
leave them at the Credit Union office in Ardara. It is
hoped that the library centre will open in the near
Udaras Industrial Site at Meenavalley
Cller Padraig Doherty, a member of the Board of Udaras na
Gaeltachta, said at a recent County Council meeting that
they had agreed to purchase an industrial site at
Meenavalley, Ardara, though the decision is subject to
planning permission.
In St Conalls Footsteps
The County Council will provide funding towards the
publication of a second edition of this book by Dr
Lochlann McGill, later this year. This second edition
will be dedicated to the memory of the late Cller Bennett.
It is hoped that there will be copies of this book
available in the Ardara library in the near future.
Church Fete and Auction
July 18th is the date selected for this annual fund-raising
event, to take place at the Ardara Rectory, beginning at
2 p.m. There will be stalls of home produce, crafts,
cakes, bric-a-brac, raffles. Tea and cakes will be served
al fresco. Various games and competitions are being
organised for the fun and enjoyment of the children. Dont
miss the auction, which is scheduled for 3 p.m.
The Wizard of Oz
The news is out. A scare-crow, a wicked witch, a cowardly
lion, a tin man, a wizard, and a little girl called
Dorothy are due to call at the Community
Centre on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of July. Doors
will open at 8 p.m. for this performance of The
Wizard of Oz by the Ardara Community Centre Theatre
Group (SNEAS), and the show starts at 8:30 p.m. Tickets
will cost £3. per adult and £1:50 per child, with a
reduction where there are more than 2 children per family.
There are 88 young people in the cast of this production
and it will be something to see and talk about for some
time to come.
Congratulations to Elizabeth Henry (nee Morrow) and her
husband, Norman on the birth of their baby boy,
Alexander, in Letterkenny Hospital recently. Mother and
baby are both well.
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July |
Community Notices
Congratulations to Mags Coughlan and Paul Lough on their
recent engagement. Mags is a teacher in St. Conal's
National School, Narin.
Ardara Artists Resource Centre, in association with
Earagail Arts Festival, invites you to attend a reception
today, July 8th, to mark the opening of an exhibition by
four leading international photographers.
Reception from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at the Centre, Wood Road.
Community Games
Community Games meeting takes place in the Community Centre on Wednesday,
11th July, at 9:00pm to organise a team for Mosney. All
parents welcome.
Garden Fete
St Conal's Church of Ireland hold their annual Garden
Fete in the Rectory grounds on Wednesday, 18th July, at 2:00pm.
There is also an auction, so if you have anything
suitable that you want to dispose of, please bring it to
the Rectory. Your support will be appreciated.
Learning Disability Centre
Blessing of the Learning Disability Centre, Woodhill,
will take place on Tursday, 10th July, at 11:30am.
Everyone is invited and light refreshments will be served
Mass & Blessing
Father Paul Montague, who was ordained to the Priesthood
last Sunday for the Diocese of Armagh, will celebrate
Mass in the Church this coming Tuesday evening at 7:30pm
and after the Mass will give his blessing to anyone who
wishes to have it.
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July |
Community Notices
Paul Montague, who has a home in Cloughbois, was ordained
for the archdiocese of Armagh at the Church of St.
Malachy, Ballymacihoy, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone on Sunday
the 1st of July by the Most Rev. Gerard Clifford DD.,
Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Armagh. Fr. Paul had spent
many holidays in the Ardara area as a boy. Since that
time, he has proved himself in the world of business,
both in Ireland and in New Zealand, where he managed a
chain of shops. A number of people from Loughros Point
attended the ordination ceremony at Ballymacilroy and the
reception in Monaghan which followed.
The visit to the Carrick Day Centre on 5th June was a
great success. The Ardara visitors were treated to a
lovely lunch, to music, dancing and bingo. They enjoyed
renewing old friendships and making new ones, also the
opportunity to see the new sheltered housing section in
Carrick. Sincere thanks are expressed to the staff of the
Carrick Centre for their warm hospitality.
Fortyfour people participated in the trip to Doon Well
on 12th June. They lunched at Teach Jack, Derrybeg and
spent some times at Leo's.
The church gate collection for the Care of the Aged
totaled £466.91. The committee is grateful to everyone
who contributed.
The following allocations for road repairs have been made
by the County Council for local roads. This funding is
for the year ending in April, 2002; Rosbeg, £7,500,
Maghera, £4,250, Drimitten, £5,000, Kilcashel, £5,000,
Ballygheny, £6,500, Loughros Point £22,000, Glengesh,
£22,000, Lough Fad, £20,900, Summy, £12100, Moagh, £4,300,
Circle Road, Ardara, £6,000, Magumna, £23,100,
Stravalley, £7,500, Owenteskna, £25,300.
The Parish Council Committee are pleased to report that a
lot of large domestic items have been transported to the
County Council landfill site and that 25 car wrecks have
been removed from the local landscape. Quite a number of
people made a good effort to clean up their local beaches
and roads. In some places skips will not be available
until the weekend of July 7th and 8th. Thank you to all
those who cheerfully helped in this task
As part of a programme organised by Tir Beoghaine Teo,
half a dozen women from the Ardara Women's Group took a
day trip to Tory Island on Sunday, the 1st of July.
In the group was contingent of women from Northern
Ireland who had also been booked in for dinner at the
Atlantique Restaurant the preceding evening, along with
members of local women's groups. The trip to Tory proved
to be an exciting when a transfer to the ferry in a smell
open boat became necessary. A memorable time was had by
A multi-activity and sports programme for young people is
being offered in Donegal Town at the Bosco Centre. The
first week takes place from 2nd July until the 6th July
and the second will be from 9th July till the 13th July.
For further information call 073 23134.
Rumour has it that there are a group of people working
very hard to make possible a visit from a wizard to
Ardara. It seems odd, bit a lion, a tin man and a little
girl are also mixed up in this. As more information comes
to hand, it will be made available to you.
The Ardara Senior Citizens have got summer 'jizz' and
have been out rambling and raiding as far away as Carrick
and Kilmacrennan. Their visit to Carrick Day Centre was a
great success. A group of about twenty people left Ardara
at 11.00 am. on the 5th of June in Patsy McHugh's mini
bus. The men were in a minority of three, but were more
than capable of holding their own.
On arrival in Carrick the group were treated to a three
course lunch by the friendly staff of the
Day Care Centre and a personal welcome and greeting from
Fr. Eddy Gallagher. They were then entertained with
traditional Irish music and got their feet to do some
enthusiastic dancing, in addition to the usual foot
tapping. A game of bingo was on the programme. This was
also an opportunity to see the new sheltered housing
section attached to the Carrick Day Centre. 'We were
interested in seeing that the new sheltered housing was
like. It was nice to see how it had been planned and
built. The interior decoration and design was beautiful,"
said Breda Boyle, chairperson of the Ardara Care of the
Aged. She expressed her sincere thanks to the Carrick
staff for their warm hospitality.
Wouldn't you think that this big day out would have
satisfied our heroes and heroines for some time to come,
but just one week later, on the 12th of June, forty four
senior citizens set out in two mini buses for an
excursion to Doon Well in Kilmacrennan. |

The journey was broken by tea and scones
at 'The Lagoon' and then they travelled on to the well,
where they did the Turus , many of them on bare feet.
'The lovely gardens and pathways at the Well have been
laid out to enable easy access for the elderly and people
in wheelchairs. A three course lunch was enjoyed at Teach
Jack', Derrybeg, with a good conscience, and then is was
on to 'Leos' in Meenaleck. Leo, father of the well known
singer Enya, played all kinds of music and soon the
senior Citizens were persuaded to sing and entertain as
group as well. A really great day was enjoyed by everyone.
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July |
cancels all classes
Following a decision taken in May to cancel all the
livestock classes at the Ardara Show, scheduled for
August 11th, the organising committee has now decided not
to proceed with a suggested plan to stage the craft and
produce section in the Community Centre.
The decision was taken at a poorly attended open meeting
held on Monday June 18th, called specifically to consider
the proposal.
The decision to cancel all 70 livestock classes was taken
last month (May) following a recommendation from the
Irish Shows Association, of which Ardara is a member,
that all affiliated shows should cancel their events for
this year.
The ISA's recommendation followed an evaluation of all
the information then available from the Department of
Agriculture, and as a gesture of total support for the
steps being taken to eradicate foot and mouth disease.
However, it was thought that the 100-plus crafts,
produce, and children's classes, which normally take
place in a giant marquee on the showfield, might go ahead
in the local community centre.
After considerable discussion at the recent meeting, it
was decided that the section, if staged on its own, would
gain limited support. It was also decided not to hold the
annual show dance
'Quite simply, the show is a one-day event which brings
together a number of attractions. It was felt that
running just one part of the event in isolation was
unlikely to be successful," said Niall Heena,
'We now have to concentrate on coming back in 2002 with a
bigger show than ever before," he added
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July |
Community Notices
Skips from Donegal Counbty Council for
next Saturday are at the following locations
Owenea Bridge
2 at Loughros Point (1 at Kilcashel X roads & one at
the road over to the pier).
Bags & gloves can be obtained from:
John Couzens
Marie Mooney
Terence Slowey
Top of page
1st July |
Senior Citizens
The Chiropodist will be in the Community Centre on
Tuesday, 3rd July from 2:00pm - 5:00pm.
Due to the demand for chiropody there is now an
appointment system in place to avoid long waiting time.
Please phone Breda at 41246.
Routine three month chiropody checks are free but more
frequent checks must be paid for unless in urgent need.
No meeting this month.
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